Message from @Existance is pain
Discord ID: 638824934344359949
Weaponized roombas when
I was thinking on this old show I saw
and it featured roach-controlled robots
roaches scatter from light
a small harness/hookup locks them to a mouse-ball
and sensors around the bot detect obstacles, and display them as bright light on a light panel in front of the roach
unobscured ground is left dark, so the roach heads for it
hard to program it ""which way to prefer"' (albeit, just plug in a GPS nav and train the comp to ONLY show the fastest route as ""dark"') and you'd want a light panel that can do gradients too, probably
then it's food and other logistics from there
So ive finished doing a thing
I like how they didn't upload in order but you get the point
So playing the MW campaign made me think, during the boog ammo is going to be a little rough for people who have guns that are in those special ed calibers like I do ( 300. Blk, 10mm, 50 Beowulf, etc etc ) so breaching buildings, of course there’s the good old shotgun to the door lock method, but ammo, so looking at the tactics in the game and conpairng to real life shit I do on my fire department. A breaching too isn’t a bad kit idea in my opinion. ( halligan, axe with a pick on one side, Stanley Fubar. ) does anyone else have one something of this sort, and if so how do they mount it on their kit. Also has anyone though small scale tools ( spoon knife, lock pick set. Hammer and punch. )
Personally I’m just going to steal a halligan from my fire department if shit kicks off, but I’m also open to other ideas
I keep a small scizzor jack in my backpack for steel fences and bars
Need bolt cutter and hooligan tool
The beauty of the halligan is it fucks up locks super good
Now this is the only thing that makes me want a Stanley vs a halligan
Not bad.
Yea man
You can even use you 30 in breaching tool as a bottle opener
Impale them
And burn their bodies
Spread their limbs accros the land.
But They're garbage
Side note. He looks like a colonial marine from aliens
Bruh I can't wait until space marines are a thing
I'm salty that i wasn't able to stay in to be one lmao