Message from @wendiko
Discord ID: 640741944359911434
Do steel plates really compromise movement?
Depends on the design
Or is that something u can handle?
i run steel plates but i'm a big boi so they don;t slow me down to much
i also work out in them a few times a week to get used to doing shit with them on
like push-ups burpees etc
You could also be a sneeki breeki piece of shit like me and run a chest rig with no plates while picking people off from a distance
How much does it weight?
about 20 - 25 lbs a plate i think
@AKAlexei that's prob what I should do. Manlet problems
Damn that's a lot
I also have the benefit of being a skinny fuck who can wear... disguises
Come to think of it... my little hobby could come in handy. I've always been good at spy work
Is it worth it to sacrifice protection for mobility?
Depends on how quick you are. Do cardio tho especially if you wanna move quick
Steel conceals better if your not a bitch weights negligible. But spall is the main concern.
Unless you use a bomb vest, nothing can be done really
Idk you gotta get here and get guns and all the fun stuff
hell yeah
After I settle up for good and get financially stable, sure
I still need plates tbh. But hey, I have my soft armor for now and that works for what I need right this second
I just need my laser
I dont even wanna start tallying what I need lmao
Steel plates fracture and make shrapnel if they aren't coated
Ar500 company adds a layer of paxon to help reduce spall
1# is outrageous
I only saw 5, but I hate LEOs that abuse power like that. Fuck even mall cops like that can go and fuck off
I wish I had more robotics/coding/tinkering knowledge. . .
A Roomba is basically a kill droid waiting to be cracked