Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 587725379540877316
This is where you buy a gun from some shady guy named Dimitri or Yoris in a dark back alley.
Front site focus on that thing. Don’t settle for anything smaller than a 9mm
Or you can take some Krav Maga classes or BJJ. I’m sure 2 months of rolling will better prepare you
I'm blue belt
If you train hard on BJJ, you can beat the shit outta most people
Alternatively, don’t believe in that fair fight BS. Kick him as hard as you can in the dick. Gouge his eyes out with your fingers. Bite his fingers and ears off
They mostly expect a punch, but usually do not expect an armlock
Beware of ground fight on street tho
As he said, play dirty
You’re not here to win a prize fight. You’re here to survive and walk away
I catch so much shit for that line of thinking 😂
Nah homie. If I have to fight you physically, shit has gone south very very quickly and I prefer to not stop until someone isn’t breathing anymore permanently.
Is that for me or?
Nah just explaining the thought process
Oh lol
I'mma try these with thoes flavored tuna packs
I'm kind of safe
How much is that in freedom currency
did my first day of the barbaric rites
shits tough man my legs are gassed
I did it too
And i feel you man
That’s like 50 bucks @Trash Squid
Sorry 106
this work ouit plan has no cardio
Lol fuck yeah sign me up lmao
its neat dued its a pay what you want pdf
barbaric rites
Ill check it out
just meat and potatos lifting
ya its neat af
Real goon hours