Message from @Sir Harndes
Discord ID: 607635412000964629
They don't fuck with you if you don't use one
Condoms dont necessarily stop everything. Do yourself a favor and get checked
Um, how don't they?
But yeah
Im getting checked anyway
Condoms are a profilactic, and not 100% effective
It didn't snap or anything
Yeah I'll let the Doc handle this one
This can be by a number of reasons (certain diseases are smaller than the pores in latex, thinner condoms break easily, other contact besides genitals) and you should always get checked as a safety mechanism when having sex with random people
After a hook up I *always* get checked. No matter if a condom was used or not
This includes one night stands or hookers. If you already know your partner it's not urgent to check yourself, but still UTIs can still happen from time to time if you are not careful.
You may be right
We are right
Hes a doctor lmao
For serious
Thought it was only a nick
I got the nick because of medschool lol
Still fucking nervous
I'm a very worried person
Just get tested. It's easy enough to do
I'm getting a piss and blood test
Go get checked. If by whatever reason you got something there is treatment, and the majority of STDs are now easy to treat
And it's not expensive
If it is expensive to either buy protection, or get checked, maybe you shouldn't be having sex with random people
Just some general guidelines
Not the case
Ok then
Just get checked for your own safety
Still fucking afraid
Dunno why I did it
I generally don't advise to have a large number of sexual partners (besides moral reasons) because the more you have, the larger the chance of catching something you don't want, but if you do decide to have sex, practice it carefully and don't do stupid shit, your own safety is first.
No need to be afraid. Just get yourself checked out to be on the safe side
@Foxhound lol
@Sir Harndes I'm assuming that is because of porn. The image portrayed in porn of sex is different from real life (sounding like a bommer here) but the thought of paying someone to have sex sounds good at first, but you still lack the emotional connection. It will still feel good (physically at least) because you are sticking your dick in something.
Seriously though beyond moral reasons try not to sleep with random people. Playing with fire is fun till you get burnt