Message from @NovaSoldier
Discord ID: 659083364850204713
Maybe. But if everyone stockpiles 3000 coal for all torches, its be user choice. Though, iron pick axes will always be more common
*sigh* maybe I need 556 russian oven
Ya know what I'm looking forward to?
The psa mp5? The psa ak74?
Nabbing a 308 off some fudd that can't even use it
Didnt expect it but I appreciate it
I have my gold nuggets on occasion
currently puking guts out
ne her staging cheers again
Cheers bud. I’m at work lol
Same though. But jump back inna if ya can
What a horrible night
I cant stop thinking of it
I never met my cousin, but I feel so fucking sorry about him
He was roughly my age just 1 year older. He was 20
I can't stand my gfs mom or best friend. Today, i turned down wings because it was going to be with both of them. I've been here 1 day. Idk how long im gonna last before snapping
Me neither
Life sucks
I can't see the good side of it anymore
^^safe trip
Ive beem in a car for the last 10h
I stop being happy when I hit 16
Where have you been my king?
I only feel it when I get riggity riggity fucking hammered
Family meeting i guess?
Im going to my grandpas house
So im preatty exited
Ohh I got it
Wish I could
Sweet Okie
The bad thing is that im gonna miss midnight mass
@VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT secondly - roast off in here
You make a solid point
Idk if i want death or murder more
This is the only time I've ever had a dilemma