Message from @TipsyTactician
Discord ID: 598702408855453697
not a fun sight
Yeah you're expected to pickup all of their tactics and knowledge on the go
Rangers and SF are irregular or "special" forces
Should I wait about 1/2 years?
Yeah id wait 1 or 2
Cause I do no have so much time, unfortunately
Wish I had
Life sucks sometimes
But head foward
By the whole "special" thing, the idea by doctrine is these guys are masters of regular doctrine and way of life, and by being irregular or special they specialize in unconventional doctrine (Raiding Islamabad compound, HVT's, training foreign armies)
Pillarman you've been downrange?
This would be a familiar sight to ya.
That helmet
WHich one?
Yeah that's my joe, we still have UCP IOTV's and shit
It's irrelevent since we got RFI
We got these new puppies though
Yep we get all the fancy toys
I'm in a TF augmenting the 3rd Bat in a JSOC/NORCOM capacity
So we get all the gear that the rangers get
Oh that's fun
It's fun until you have to do pt with them
Kills you
We're not even rangers
Idea that regular army get to play with new shit to give feedback because well, JSOC is JSOC
Well JSOC gets to test the toys and then we test it and then it keeps getting passed down to line units
Can you explain the purpose of the new helmet then other than lighter and better chance of living if you get domed?
You just explained it yourself
Neck hurts less
Haven't used it in a training background so I have no input other than it fits active hearing protection
At this point all i care about is that my neck doesn't snap
Bob pro tip though unless you go airborne, get condor or equal airsoft helmet pads. 12/10 would be comfy again
And this helmet is better at doing that
I was hoping arc rail attachments but thats another 10 years
Lmao yeah