Message from @TipsyTactician
Discord ID: 598726570584178692
But I have a stamp so
It happens. Fortunately guns are an easy thing to buy and sell at the moment
YEah wife is getting surgery in a week so she's been jobless.
East Coast area for me
Which part of the east löwe you up north
@A1C Gibson, A. (Potential) playing call of pripyat jeez
Got my respect
Spent like 400 hundred hours playing this
city or upstate?
And call of pripyat gave me nightmares
Play misery mod for it
You'll stop having nightmares for sure
Upstate @TipsyTactician
*chuckles in ukrainian*
Yo these wildfires have no chill visibility within 1K
I'm thinking I need to leave my state Ricky fucking tick.
I know NY sucks in some ways, but dunno it as a whole
12/10 would recommend
Upstate is ok
So, why do you want to move out?
Nah, not even the state. I like my area, or did anyways. It's beautiful here.
Mine is horrible
It's not even US, so screw it all
Too many bad memories now tbh. I got maybe 1 or 2 friends around here. Add in the shit laws and I'm sending a bug out of the state soonish. I'm 21 now, wanna be out of NYS by 24-25
I'm leaving by 23/24
Don't want to look back, except for my family
It's a nightmare
My family wouldn't care much if I left. My mother is the only one I really talk to
Gosh I hate AOC
I laughed so hard in the monkey fight lol, almost shet meself
Saw that. True