Message from @AKAlexei

Discord ID: 600882082826158081

2019-07-17 02:00:13 UTC  

you get free college after anyways

2019-07-17 02:00:23 UTC  

But a the same time I don't want to br a pog

2019-07-17 02:00:25 UTC  

so you could do something cool in the army and go do your useful shit in college

2019-07-17 02:00:34 UTC  

that's what a lot of guys i hang around did

2019-07-17 02:00:53 UTC  

Geez I shet myself hahahahahahahaha

2019-07-17 02:01:00 UTC  

i personally subscribe to that theory but it's not wartime anymore so i wouldn't recommend infantry

2019-07-17 02:01:17 UTC  

"That's what a lot of guys i hang around died"

2019-07-17 02:01:27 UTC  

well some of them are dead too

2019-07-17 02:01:30 UTC  

there is that

2019-07-17 02:01:54 UTC  

I was like "DAMNNNN NI🅱️🅱️A"

2019-07-17 02:01:57 UTC  

but yeah this is a thing i will elaborate on tomorrow because i'm tired as shit

2019-07-17 02:01:59 UTC  

and going to sleep

2019-07-17 02:02:20 UTC  

Alrighty then

2019-07-17 02:02:57 UTC  

Goodnight, Irene

2019-07-17 02:46:21 UTC

2019-07-17 02:48:06 UTC

2019-07-17 02:48:10 UTC  


2019-07-17 02:48:31 UTC  

Never heard it before

2019-07-17 02:50:26 UTC  

@Sir Harndes if you want to join the military but don't want to be a pog, combat support is probably right up your alley. I mean, depending on who you ask, it's still technically pog, but if you get an MOS involving shit like driving a tank, you may very well see combat. But the Army will limit that chance, so if you wanna see some shit, Marines would probably be more likely to. Idk though I'm talkin out my ass really. This is just my logical reasoning and speculation

2019-07-17 02:50:32 UTC  

You guys see the video I dropped today

2019-07-17 02:50:52 UTC  

Which one

2019-07-17 02:51:05 UTC  

I watch a lot of vids

2019-07-17 02:51:08 UTC  

War wave one

2019-07-17 02:51:16 UTC  


2019-07-17 02:51:16 UTC  

It's in war wave channel

2019-07-17 03:06:09 UTC

2019-07-17 03:06:28 UTC  


2019-07-17 03:08:56 UTC  

Worth it

2019-07-17 03:11:36 UTC

2019-07-17 03:11:38 UTC

2019-07-17 03:27:31 UTC  

@AKAlexei I really don't know. I want to join the army to do things you'll never be able to do in a civilian life, but most people say to not join any combat MOS 'cause you'll never find a job, it sucks and yadda yadda. At the same time, they say to get a good pog job to get in a civilian life, butIf I really wanted to just sit my ass in an office, I wouldn't be joining thr army, tbh

2019-07-17 03:28:10 UTC  

Some things just pisses me off

2019-07-17 03:28:22 UTC  

Sorry if I was rude or something

2019-07-17 03:30:34 UTC  

Nah, no need to apologize man, I'm just offering advice. I'm just recommending against infantry because... well... it's the poor, bloody infantry. As for jobs after the military? Bruh, this economy is gonna crash within the next couple years. Might as well start some kind of business providing a product or service that's super necessary. Also, while you're in, get a degree or trade cert or something, don't walk away empty handed

2019-07-17 03:31:17 UTC  

My recommendation against the army comes from a slight bias I have towards it because I've heard shitty things from vets

2019-07-17 03:31:32 UTC  

Lot of em have said that the Army won't do shit for you

2019-07-17 03:31:39 UTC  

But then again, I've heard similar shit from Marines

2019-07-17 03:31:44 UTC  

Seems to me experience is relative

2019-07-17 03:32:39 UTC  

I can tell you that when you got dudes getting out of the Army and in the Army making memes about how the Army won't do shit for you after you get out, something's up. Sounds thin af, I know, but memes are like modern art; often a reflection of reality

2019-07-17 03:33:41 UTC  


2019-07-17 03:33:55 UTC  

Thought about joining the Navy for some good years