Message from @AKAlexei

Discord ID: 600894309595742241

2019-07-17 03:33:41 UTC  


2019-07-17 03:33:55 UTC  

Thought about joining the Navy for some good years

2019-07-17 03:33:56 UTC  


2019-07-17 03:34:06 UTC  

I don't like sea

2019-07-17 03:34:25 UTC  

Nothing I can't get used

2019-07-17 03:34:47 UTC

2019-07-17 03:34:56 UTC  

But I always wanted to get a combat MOS

2019-07-17 03:35:45 UTC  

If that's really what you want, go for it. But if I were you, I'd go Marines for that. The training is tough, but it's worth it. Every Marine, first and foremost is a rifleman, no exceptions. The process is simpler to understand too

2019-07-17 03:35:51 UTC  

I see there's no combat MOS that won't fuck your life pretty good, so It gets complicated

2019-07-17 03:36:29 UTC  

Also, a bonus with the Marines? Mostly coastal bases and bases in cool locations

2019-07-17 03:36:44 UTC  

With the Army you can end up in the middle of bum fuck nowhere

2019-07-17 03:36:52 UTC  

Or worse... Alabama

2019-07-17 03:37:37 UTC

2019-07-17 03:37:37 UTC  

But looks like it has the same problems as the army

2019-07-17 03:37:37 UTC  
2019-07-17 03:37:58 UTC  

They wont do shit for me

2019-07-17 03:38:10 UTC  

OMG! Dude, do the co-host for that!!!

2019-07-17 03:38:35 UTC  

Like degrees, civilian jobs and all

2019-07-17 03:38:40 UTC  

Well, Marine Corps takes care of its own, and there is an unrivaled sense of brotherhood

2019-07-17 03:38:55 UTC  

And it doesn't matter what branch you join, all branches offer the same college shit

2019-07-17 03:39:27 UTC  

The Air Force only has the benefit of having its MOS school being it's own community college, so basically you just get a useless degree in whatever the fuck your MOS is

2019-07-17 03:39:39 UTC  

At least that's what I recall from interviewing with the guy

2019-07-17 03:40:44 UTC  

The Air Force like to act like they're the real academics of the bunch but the truth is they just have a shitload of money and a pipeline to working for defense contractors

2019-07-17 03:40:59 UTC  

They handle alien shit but you gotta do some really long term stuff to even get near that

2019-07-17 03:41:53 UTC  

Yeah, my stepsister is in the Air Force

2019-07-17 03:42:26 UTC  

Dunno if she still there,

2019-07-17 03:43:05 UTC  

But didn't get well thr part you said abou the marines college degree 'n sheit

2019-07-17 03:43:29 UTC  

Well, I interviewed with all the branches except coast guard, right?

2019-07-17 03:43:31 UTC  

So here's the thing

2019-07-17 03:45:23 UTC  

The Marine Corps, Army, Navy, and Air Force all offer the exact same amounts of tuition assistance for both active duty and reserves. There is no difference whatsoever in terms of money. The Air Force is often characterized especially in the Civilian world as being the most well educated, but the truth is, (and this is assuming I'm remembering what their recruiter told me correctly) the only extra benefit that the AF offers is that their MOS schools are technically all under the umbrella of the Air Force's own registered community college.

2019-07-17 03:45:48 UTC  

So basically, with the Air Force, you can get a degree out of your MOS training, but it's pretty much worthless

2019-07-17 03:46:35 UTC  

Unless you really intend to transfer your military career into the world. Example; the recruiter I spoke to had a degree from the AF community college in transportation... he even told me that it was nothing more than something to stack on his resume

2019-07-17 03:48:34 UTC  

In truth, all branches offer the same shit though; in all branches (except for Coast Guard which I won't speak on cuz I didn't talk to them), you have the same amount of money offered in tuition assistance, same amount offered for both reserves and active duty, your MOS training can be used to cut out courses from your degree (basic training also has this benefit), etc. It's all the same. No one branch offers more than another when it comes to education

2019-07-17 03:49:35 UTC  

Now, your MOS field choice and assignment might make your ability to go to school more or less difficult. Example; you're more likely to have more time to throw down some time for online courses or even in classroom courses if you're working a POG job than you would infantry

2019-07-17 03:51:45 UTC  

That's also why I recommended combat support MOS' because in the Marines, that field consists of three potential job assignments, one of which doesn't exist anymore but they keep on in case SHTF and we gotta go old school (anti-aircraft). So really, I'm left with either being in artillery or tank & amphibious assault vehicle, and last I checked, we haven't had a tank battle since Iraq and we haven't had an amphibious landing in quite awhile. So I figure I'll be able to throw down time for school

2019-07-17 03:53:12 UTC  


2019-07-17 03:53:39 UTC  

That's a lot of info

2019-07-17 03:54:02 UTC  

I know which is why I'm gonna offer you one more piece of advice

2019-07-17 03:54:09 UTC  

Here's what you should really do

2019-07-17 03:55:23 UTC  

Start by sitting down and figuring out a series of questions to ask recruiters. Then, take a couple days to go interview with all the branches. We can sit and talk about the pros and cons of each branch on here all night, but I'm not a recruiter and can't answer all the questions because I honestly don't know all the answers lol for real, go interview with all of them, even if you have zero intention of joining the one you interview with

2019-07-17 03:56:44 UTC  

The only branch I don't recommend bothering with is CG just because they're under State Department and not DoD; that means no pay during government shutdowns and regardless of what y'all think of Trump, I think we can all agree that his administration has had way too many shutdowns. I just wouldn't bother even considering a branch where you could potentially have to wait two or three months or however long the shutdown is for back pay to kick in