Message from @Foxhound
Discord ID: 601638705333010435
@Biohazard6520 you ever heard orthorox trap?
Perhaps before yes
I don't hate christians, like my family, they're all irish and italian catholics. They're very good people, but they have a some level of hypocrisy
I shall acquire the link, if you wish
Orthodox trap is dope
Shit's tight af
I humbly submit this for the collective
I had the pleasure of singing the above song with about 100 people before in a Greek orthodox monestary, it was beautiful, we sang it in Greek, Russian, church slavonic, English and Arabic.
I hate DEUS VULT shit tho
Hey do y'all wanna join a voice chat channel in here? I gotta do some dishes but I need both hands and wanna keep talkin' to y'all
My voice chat doesnt work because of how low the signal is here
What are your thoughts on Jehovah's Witnesses?
Destroy. Completely.
@Aldarich sure, but I ain't talking
Everyone's sleeping here
I am at work
@Sir Harndes i find it kind of funny only cuz fucking around in full plate sound like fun shtt to do
Eh I'll just multitask
@Foxhound i agree they are like fucking cult
They arent like a cult
>being pagan
>being a jew
Pick one
Thet are a fucking cult
>spams the 'Pagan'button
Abandoned tunnel in the mountain
The echo inside is insane
Don't like abrahamic religions at all
And y'all never did answer my question about Boss' taste in uniform design
As Aldarich said
I've dragged a JW off my property once or twice. Fucking assholes have no respect for private property
I don't like religions at all tbh
Don't think I'm going to hell for silly things
Nor me
Still deciding
@Foxhound They do not respect private property? Sounds like moving targets to me
There are 4 uniforms I like
>Rhodesian Bushstroke
>USAF Digital tiger
> M44 dot
>SS Dress uniforms/combat uniforms
Unfortunately the only weaponry in my house is blades and blunt objects