Message from @Garrett
Discord ID: 602107680428916736
Spank everyone
What do I need to do to change my tag?
Heyyyyyyyy 😉😉😉😉
I see goon gang, bogaloo goys, patriots
How does it work?
@moses howdy partner
I'm here to lurk for a moderate amount of time and then potentially become mildly active
Beep boop, son. Beep boop...
Thank you the Soldier from Team Fortress 2
When are we doing this?
I'm This
Ain't that September 27th tho
Well i'm down as fuck to do you
I don't really know when we are storming pedo fucks so i'm asking
Question is, can we get away with it
For legal reasons this is all a joke haha funny
Well we can if we don't leave everyone alive
Anyone *
And yea this joke is funny as fuck
My abc boi is laughing so hard with me
Time it with the boogaloo see y'all in 2025
I hope i make it to US in time for boogaloo
Cuz being eurofag sucks
2025's my figure, 2029 at the latest. 2021 if we're lucky
I hope 2025 cuz i can really make it to help
More goonz the better
That's my hope too since it'll give me time to get off the grid
Where in Yerp are you from?
I need to get this /k/omando mind det
Could be worse
Yea i know
At least i have in my DNA fucking shit up