Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 602110727553155084
I'm here to lurk for a moderate amount of time and then potentially become mildly active
Beep boop, son. Beep boop...
Thank you the Soldier from Team Fortress 2
When are we doing this?
I'm This
Ain't that September 27th tho
Well i'm down as fuck to do you
🍆 😩 💦
I don't really know when we are storming pedo fucks so i'm asking
Question is, can we get away with it
For legal reasons this is all a joke haha funny
Well we can if we don't leave everyone alive
Anyone *
And yea this joke is funny as fuck
My abc boi is laughing so hard with me
Time it with the boogaloo see y'all in 2025
Cuz being eurofag sucks
2025's my figure, 2029 at the latest. 2021 if we're lucky
I hope 2025 cuz i can really make it to help
More goonz the better
That's my hope too since it'll give me time to get off the grid
Where in Yerp are you from?
I need to get this /k/omando mind det
Could be worse
Yea i know
At least i have in my DNA fucking shit up
The whole boogaloo's probably going to be over in a couple of months at the most once it starts, the continental US is on only 3 power grids and Bubba doesn't need electricity as much as the government
And you i get fucking angry as fuck when i need to deal with dumb ppl?
I Just can't stand dealing with them
Hey that's rude I'm right here
I'm not talking about you
Just about some fuckers from my work
I work in retail I understand your pain
I work as IT for military and sometimes i want to die when i talk with others
They fucking can't even use excel without my help sometimes