Message from @thatgoonsteve42
Discord ID: 608554542044545035
Last I heard there was very nearly a couple WACO situations here when it went down.
Where was that
Turning on my vchat in Trenches
Then again my state is incredibly corrupt.
All of them are
North eastern United States @North /K/arolina
Ah. Times ahead are looking a wee bit more Orwellian
Essential igloo gear
Boomers in one shirt
Just needs a "greatest ally" and your good.
Everybody is bored
Where at in NC?
not today, cia
Fucking slavaboos with their nyets and their blyats and their borsch
Go PT if you're bored
Fitness is next to godliness my man
I don't have a gym membership in this town yet. I've gotta pay for classes and an ipad and next month should be able to snag a gym
Bodyweight movements
lemme yeet my shmeet
Guys wheres best olace tocget green tip 556
The internet or some shit like that
You can buy the same shit the military uses
I figured big brither would k8ck d9wn my shit if i ran a sesrch
I didnt know
Nah. Buncha people buy ammo online
Im a shittyboog
Ill remember that
If you’re that worried about it go to a public library and use one of their computers