Message from @PlaZmaButter
Discord ID: 615570394732167178
I need coffee
Or a 4 pack of boomer-juice
Legit question tho
anyone else have prescriptions that thwy gotta take daily?
No yeet the beet
Machine guns and altamas. I see you too are a man of taste
Lol nice catch, I didn't even notice I caught my foot in the photo.
*Let the Purge begin*
Also full disclosure, I work at a 07/02 SOT, so that is actually is a registered post sample lower lol
Be cooler if it wasn’t tho
Is that the Oxide yt channel? or just a rando?
Tbh no clue, liberated it
Literally me
* pokes my head out
Oh no the server purge
* plays Fortunate Son
Whats up boys
Ayyy revi best girl
@Crye_Salesman unfortunately black was the only one in stock when I ordered mine. @насильственное убийство sorry not the channel oxide.
@Oxide318 Major sads then, I love that channel
Sad reacc to all that
The Gestapo had a good hunt
Huh. The page Nationalists United is here
Thats cool as shit
@wendiko Revy is a poor choice for waifu but top tier choice for friend imo
@насильственное убийство yeah I enjoy it as well. Not sure how long it's been around, but I've been going by oxide since 2009ish.
Im into toxic women.
Biohazard6520. For your crimes against the empire and her people. I hereby banish you. Your crimes include endangering American members liberty, disregarding the server rules, disrespecting other members, and doomer posting. This sentence I do hand down with the authority granted to me by our Lord and Savior Squid, He who speaks for the Claw.
@Foxhound what did he do?
Posted a meme about making *Atf banned explosive devices* and acted like a cunt.
Guys. I did a thing