Message from @AKAlexei

Discord ID: 620292837967134770

2019-09-08 16:19:17 UTC  

@Foxhound well just because that's what's happening where you are doesn't mean that's what's happening in other places. Every migrant worker I've met in my area send the majority of their money home to help their families and the rest they put towards buying food and supplies for themselves

2019-09-08 16:19:57 UTC  

Irrelevant of the majority, it still adds up to a fuckload of money being taken away from US buisiness.

2019-09-08 16:20:17 UTC  

Right, lets get away from the anecdotal evidence and focus solely on facts and statistics

2019-09-08 16:20:27 UTC  

@Foxhound your issue isn't with immigrants it's with the fuckin' billionaires

2019-09-08 16:20:36 UTC  

Why not both?

2019-09-08 16:20:48 UTC  

My issue *is* with *illegal* immigrants

2019-09-08 16:20:58 UTC  

Theres plenty of walls that need painting. Line em up.

2019-09-08 16:21:15 UTC  

@Foxhound what have illegal immigrants done to you?

2019-09-08 16:21:16 UTC  


2019-09-08 16:21:18 UTC  

Nothing g

2019-09-08 16:21:28 UTC  

You wanna know what billionaires did to you?

2019-09-08 16:21:33 UTC  

They offshored your job

2019-09-08 16:21:38 UTC  

They kept you pior

2019-09-08 16:21:40 UTC  


2019-09-08 16:21:42 UTC  

Personally? quite a bit. On a National level, quite a bit

2019-09-08 16:21:46 UTC  

They destroyed your middle class

2019-09-08 16:21:55 UTC  

They ended the rise in theinimum wage

2019-09-08 16:22:04 UTC  

The made college tuition prices spike

2019-09-08 16:22:09 UTC  

They did that

2019-09-08 16:22:11 UTC  

I'm sorry but the very fact that they don't observe the right to EVERY nation to have its borders, and will walk thousands of miles to come to the United states instead of finding refugee status in any other South American country that offered. They came here.

2019-09-08 16:22:17 UTC  

And they did it specifically to hurt people like you!

2019-09-08 16:22:50 UTC  

You have no clue about anything in my life, Alexie. Don't make claims you cant substantiate

2019-09-08 16:24:50 UTC  

I don't need to know you're life. The fact is, you should have a job that you can afford to feed a whole family on. You shouldn't need to pay out the ass in college education just to find an "entry level position". You should have your own home! You should have your own car! You should have all those things because that's the way things were supposed to be. That's the way they used to be. But you know what? It isn't. And it's because a group of wealthy CEOs, stock holders, and fat cats decided "hmm... fuck the little working class niggers! Let's make some motherfuckinx money"!

2019-09-08 16:25:10 UTC  

And make no mistake, in their eyes, people like us are all the same. Niggers.

2019-09-08 16:25:16 UTC  

That's how they view us

2019-09-08 16:25:29 UTC  

And they did it on purpose and with malicious intent for their own profit

2019-09-08 16:26:28 UTC  

I use that horrid racial slur specifically because that's what they view us as; slaves

2019-09-08 16:26:59 UTC  

It's easy to blame billionaires for everything, but when you blame everything in them, it does nothing but take responsiblity off of the individual. Let's blame the billionaires for everything. Let's blame the people that control massive amounts of money and resources for everything. Let's blame all the crime and all the dissent on them. Aight Marx let's calm down. Illegal immigration has always been a problem. If you can't respect a border and go through the work of becoming an actual citizen then you don't deserve to come into the nation. That goes for global, not just here.

2019-09-08 16:28:08 UTC  

You literally just said that these are the people who control mass amounts of money and resources. You just proved my point

2019-09-08 16:28:15 UTC  

The responsibility and decision to violate legal borders is made by the individual. The decision to make and deal drugs is made by the individual. The decision to rape and murder is made by the individual. The decision to steal and lie is made by the individual.

2019-09-08 16:28:29 UTC  

I'm not saying a murderer isn't responsible for murder or that a rapist isn't responsible for rape

2019-09-08 16:28:34 UTC  

Personally I think a lot of those claims stem from FDR and his new deal thing. He fucked over this country and started the process of wealthy private and governmental abuse that we're still feeling the rammifications for

2019-09-08 16:28:57 UTC  

I'm saying there is a way American society is supposed to function and a small, wealthy elite took that from us

2019-09-08 16:29:36 UTC  

@thedarkness05 it started in the 70s under Nixon

2019-09-08 16:29:40 UTC  

No, the government did. I'm sure I have studies and stats that show exactly when certian things started to go to hell as a direct result of Government overreach

2019-09-08 16:29:42 UTC  

Like we didn't sign that away? My how quickly we blame others above us for our own struggles. It's almost like me blaming the Jews. Interesting.

2019-09-08 16:30:00 UTC  

It started in the 20's under FDR.

2019-09-08 16:30:20 UTC  

Honestly I keked p hard at the stopped labor one

2019-09-08 16:30:46 UTC  

I’m with vlad it’s about time we firing squad these niggas

2019-09-08 16:30:47 UTC  

Nixon is just responsible for the drug war and the consequences thereof

2019-09-08 16:32:24 UTC