Message from @thedarkness05

Discord ID: 625448141109329941

2019-09-22 21:44:21 UTC  

No, the corporations are the ones at fault here

2019-09-22 21:44:28 UTC  

there's no way we're gonna hammer out a solution lol

2019-09-22 21:44:30 UTC  

this is just for fun

2019-09-22 21:44:37 UTC  

Because the state has existed long before corporations. The way I see it its a mutual benificial relationship.

2019-09-22 21:44:48 UTC  

and harmful, for that matter

2019-09-22 21:45:00 UTC  

Well yeah, at least for us peasants

2019-09-22 21:45:14 UTC  

They corporations outsourced the jobs. The colleges hiked their tuition, the government benefits because they'll always have more of the poor and the unfortunate sons to go die in the next war for nothing... well... correction, we'll die for oil

2019-09-22 21:45:37 UTC  

But at the end of the day the government isn't the one REALLY benefiting

2019-09-22 21:45:50 UTC  

didn't the gov't establish working laws that forced the corps to outsource?

2019-09-22 21:45:51 UTC  

Ok, but why the outsourcing? Because of govt interference stemming from FDR and the depression

2019-09-22 21:45:59 UTC  

you can go back and back and back all the way

2019-09-22 21:46:06 UTC  

both are at fault lol

2019-09-22 21:46:08 UTC  

All his ABC agencies were a bandaid on a septic wound

2019-09-22 21:46:26 UTC  

Darkness gets it

2019-09-22 21:46:46 UTC  

It's the corporations; the defense contractors make money off of endless wars, the manufacturers make money off of outsourced jobs in places like China, the colleges make money off people like you who are willing to go into massive debt just to have a shot if they can afford it. The government is just one aspect of a much larger profit web.

2019-09-22 21:47:12 UTC  

The only reason our economy bounced back was because of war profiteering. After that boom, thing receeded back to how they were. Festering

2019-09-22 21:47:20 UTC  

Trump boomer make me wanna commit self end

2019-09-22 21:47:26 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:47:31 UTC  

my dude, do you not understand that these same accusations can be thrown the other way too? Gov't starts the wars, gov't subsidized colleges, etc

2019-09-22 21:47:34 UTC  
2019-09-22 21:47:37 UTC  

@One Shot Paddy pretty much yeah

2019-09-22 21:47:41 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:47:42 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:47:47 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:47:53 UTC  

thank you @One Shot Paddy

2019-09-22 21:48:11 UTC  

Ok, so we at least realize we're fighting the same people, yeah?

2019-09-22 21:48:14 UTC  

I have one who shows up in my fb feed all the time

2019-09-22 21:48:15 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:49:29 UTC  

Why does the government start the wars? Because warfare in the middle east helps to drive up the price of oil which means further profits for the oil industry. Why does the government subsidize college education? Because they know that the colleges will not lower their profits if they didn't so therefore they've created a bandaid solution that benefits some but ultimately still ensures that colleges are paid what they want.

2019-09-22 21:49:35 UTC  

So "easy" fix is to have the govt have as little inflence on the private sector and vice versa. Only interacting when necessary under strict and well defined criteria

2019-09-22 21:49:50 UTC  

Oh also the warfare earns defense contractors trillions annually

2019-09-22 21:49:56 UTC  

And who pays the price? Poor people

2019-09-22 21:50:06 UTC  

With our money. With our health. With our lives

2019-09-22 21:50:16 UTC  

We defang both serpants, and feast on their meat so to say

2019-09-22 21:50:23 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:50:39 UTC  

They don’t care about flesh and blood individuals

2019-09-22 21:50:40 UTC  

The State's only ""job"" should be as an officiator/witness to the free choices of the governing populace

2019-09-22 21:50:44 UTC  

With our very souls

2019-09-22 21:50:44 UTC  

It’s not their own lives at risk

2019-09-22 21:50:45 UTC  


2019-09-22 21:50:55 UTC  

But you can keep shifting blame again by saying that the only reason that corps have the power to start wars is because the gov't has a military. Among SO SO many other blame shifts. This is just gonna keep continuing lol