Message from @One Shot Paddy

Discord ID: 630614361244958720

2019-10-07 03:53:33 UTC  

No it's literally called Americorps

2019-10-07 03:53:37 UTC  

its somewhere in the US

2019-10-07 03:53:40 UTC  

Oh ok

2019-10-07 03:53:46 UTC  

This does not help anyone outside of the US

2019-10-07 03:53:51 UTC  

nor does it make any non American any richer

2019-10-07 03:54:07 UTC  

Ok I get what your saying

2019-10-07 03:54:22 UTC  

But I mean what about others in need in the world

2019-10-07 03:54:28 UTC  

Then go to the Peace Corps

2019-10-07 03:54:42 UTC  

Also a great service

2019-10-07 03:54:51 UTC  

Harder to get into though

2019-10-07 03:54:53 UTC  

I mean this sounds like so hippie shi

2019-10-07 03:54:58 UTC  

It's not

2019-10-07 03:55:16 UTC  

These people are all professionals that actually want to help

2019-10-07 03:55:18 UTC  

Sorry to break u off but turkey is entering northern Syria rn

2019-10-07 03:55:25 UTC  

who cares lole

2019-10-07 03:55:29 UTC  

Like invading

2019-10-07 03:55:55 UTC  

You don't wanna be involved in any of that or the shit that eastern yuropoors are doing

2019-10-07 03:56:01 UTC  


2019-10-07 03:56:08 UTC  


2019-10-07 03:56:19 UTC  

I’m genuinely curious

2019-10-07 03:56:25 UTC  

It will lead to your death and will not accomplish anything for anyone

2019-10-07 03:56:34 UTC  

Every single one of those factions is being controlled by bad people

2019-10-07 03:56:39 UTC  

And they all have bad motivations

2019-10-07 03:56:41 UTC  

and are bad actors

2019-10-07 03:56:46 UTC  

Cause at this point I haven’t made any decisions and have no clue what to do with my life

2019-10-07 03:57:08 UTC  

Ok so why not go help your country out or if you wanna volunteer abroad then do it in a peaceful, relationbuilding way

2019-10-07 03:57:30 UTC  

I know that this server is full of doomers or w/e but war isn't something to just go floof about in

2019-10-07 03:57:43 UTC  

and it's absolutely retarded to go into it cause you have nothing else decided

2019-10-07 03:58:17 UTC  

Especially when it's as much of a shitshow as that

2019-10-07 03:58:35 UTC  

I may have bad influence cause I kinda see the soldier of fortune magazines and role model unintentionally

2019-10-07 03:58:44 UTC  

Then join the US Military

2019-10-07 03:58:49 UTC  

go special operations

2019-10-07 03:58:50 UTC  

go get some

2019-10-07 03:58:55 UTC  

Not wanting to sound like a ultra nationalist, but you need to stay with your kin and others who want the good for your people

2019-10-07 03:59:07 UTC  

@Sir Harndes that's honestly the best way to go

2019-10-07 03:59:18 UTC  

They only want us dead tbh

2019-10-07 03:59:31 UTC  

I'm a big mil shill at the end of the day I plan on doing 20 years in this damned organization

2019-10-07 03:59:43 UTC  

but I know it's not for everyone to be in

2019-10-07 03:59:48 UTC  

there are tons of ways to serve

2019-10-07 03:59:49 UTC  

Huh but I’m not gonna be like everyone and there brother and be like I wanna be a seal ranger force delta