Message from @amtyler
Discord ID: 657605201737285637
yeah it's a pretty based bottle ngl
no why would you want to go blue cord the infant ree is gay rn
stay away
I can't find the shorties
When I was in Cali, they were everywhere
@P I L L A R M A N what would you recommend then 😂😂
68W is a helluva way to go (for army brahs)
no 68W is also stupid
unless you wanna go to batt
go high speed or aviation or go home
most medics don't do diddly squat because most don't get put with infantry or combat arms platoons
isn't a need for it anymore
@amtyler I am personally leaving the blue cord life after 8 years in it for the EOD life
because there is nothing left for any line grunt in the entire military to do
unless you are willing to go into the ranger bat or go special forces infantry is a waste of time
in 2019
Aviation honestly sounds primo
>get trained to fly shit
>fly cool shit
what more is there to say about it
I meanmy fathers a pilot and his boss
plus i have a aviation background so
p e r h a p s
it's not easy to do so you can't just go *fly*
army needs pilots but not that badly
WOCS, etc
optempo is crazy insane too
buncha other shit you need
so keep that in mind
shit the CAB dudes that supported my unit were almost surge era deploying
in terms of how often they were downrange
*Something something people are a renewable resource...*
o Lod - they comon
oh god