Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 659099303028981763
I miss WA
Ngl that looks good
Oregon has some spots but meh.
Dont know about the ingredients tho
4 meat. $1.50 a slice
Seems reasonable
Goto Indiana and find a place called pizza king
They fuck up the pizza with toppings
Maybe I will. Road trip. For glory and pizza
That still looks good as fuck tbh
I mean pizza is pretty good even if it's shit
Japs usually are preatty good at copying things
It was for peasants
might take a day trip and head to a nearby dominos tho
Now I'm about to go buy shit to make a pizza now
Hyd fam
I keep having that thumping hum noise in the back of my head and Ive been very grouchy and tired lately
We tried twice back in the day. They're just copying us. Always doing stuff again
Theres a few places in florida I know that truck in thousands of gallons a week for bagels n pizza
same, but it's a fizzling noise
@Scr0m but At Least we got rice krispies out of it
japanese breakfast is light af
So light that some just skip it all together
yeah, when I lived as a student here, I used to go with only 1 meal a day
@NovaSoldier I work for the USPS
Oh shit an actual fed
@xringarcher1440 dude better stay strapped
@xringarcher1440 usps?
United states (?)
Postal service
Postal service
Oh nice
I know I’m a fed but I just do maintenance
And dem bennies