Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277143430050742272
Also, is it going to be a rightwing only thing or open to wall ideologies against communists?
the thread said only non leathal means only
>what are rubber bullets and beanbag rounds
It is the civic duty of Americans to volunteer for their time and effort for their community of their own volition
Imagine full blown nazi uniform groups helping the community
pure self defense
Get a salt shotgun for 20$
Maybe not NSDAP uniforms, but still fashy.
>implying rubber bullets are not lethal at close range
They use them to kill bugs
I was thinking a navy blue or grey, with visor caps of course.
If we go full fashy we'll be demonized as nazis
Any non-lethal weaponry can be lethal under the right circumstances
American colors
You're essentially doing the work National Action used to do in the UK
before they got banned
Swaying public opinion requires controlling their perception
So if you are that worried about killing someone your only option is letting them beat you or extreme martial arts.
Maybe something that would look more like US service uniform than nazi uniforms?
Also don't mind my gay af pic
It's ironic
Think duck dynasty
Correct, Deakhon.
no gogo
Just absolutely 'Murica as possible
Like this^^^ @everyone
You guys mind if I give out this discord to VOL?
sure, go ahead
But with maga hats
If I may request, can you do some recordings?
I'm in the UK so I can't really do much
Turn on your mic Rase, we can talk.
I'd honestly like to see how you get on
I'm sure there's lefty protests you can defend people from and clean up after in UK
How is funding going to work?