Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 658130628570775584

2019-12-22 01:17:28 UTC  

i saw a slogan once, "make america gay again"

2019-12-22 01:17:32 UTC  

any thoughts?

2019-12-22 01:17:56 UTC  

I'm totally sure the Native American tribes were proto-rainbow-reich, totally 🙄

2019-12-22 01:19:57 UTC  

The tribes are pro welfare

2019-12-22 01:20:14 UTC  

That's the connection

2019-12-22 01:20:51 UTC  

Fair enough, but I suspect they still would've scalped someone they saw engaging in sodomy.

2019-12-22 01:22:38 UTC  

Depends on good they are at telling stories and how close a convenient coyote happens to be

2019-12-22 01:23:18 UTC  

Tricked by a god=not your fault, apparently

2019-12-22 01:27:24 UTC  

"Devil made me do it"

2019-12-22 01:32:53 UTC  

I mean, if it works and the other option is scalping. I'd give it a shot

2019-12-22 01:36:16 UTC  

Liberal and Leftist is Interchangeable for various “””Conservative””” publications

2019-12-22 01:39:04 UTC  

I usually use Leftist to refer to someone who's being obnoxious about it.

2019-12-22 01:40:46 UTC  

The categories of "Left" and "Right" are not really useful these days, it's more of a coalition of groups out of necessity than as a logically consistent label

2019-12-22 01:40:56 UTC  

its the way of the buffalo

2019-12-22 01:41:57 UTC  

For instance, if you go by individualism vs collectivism or small vs large govt., open borders would be in the former part, which isn't what most of the Right Wing supports

2019-12-22 01:42:20 UTC  

I use them as their syntax implies they should be used, left-ist: someone who believes in and pushes the superiority of the left politically. Liberal, someone who values liberty and personal agency.

2019-12-22 01:47:26 UTC  

This is a good video on the political incoherency of the labels "Left" and "Right" as they are understood today

2019-12-22 02:13:23 UTC  


2019-12-22 02:16:09 UTC  

this include where he's pitching a manbaby fit and screaming at the hand he shook with Dave Rubin after he found out Rubin's gay?

2019-12-22 02:16:32 UTC  

yeah, fuck this cunt

2019-12-22 02:30:29 UTC  

Jesus, I can't even watch Sargon's video about the politics of Demolition Man because the fucking cunts at WB decided to copyright strike it

2019-12-22 02:32:13 UTC  

It's a 26-YEAR-OLD movie. Let it go already

2019-12-22 02:35:09 UTC  

wait, for real?!

2019-12-22 02:35:28 UTC  

Yeah, can't watch it

2019-12-22 02:36:30 UTC  

didn't think bitchute put up with that horseshit

2019-12-22 02:36:32 UTC  

shame on them

2019-12-22 02:37:17 UTC  

Oh, I meant the YouTube upload

2019-12-22 02:37:45 UTC  

Yeah, thanks for reminding me his stuff is mirrored on BitChute

2019-12-22 02:38:30 UTC  

couldn't find the youtube upload, then remembered myself

2019-12-22 02:39:03 UTC  

Fucking YouTube

2019-12-22 02:39:48 UTC  

I can't imagine how they can even handle the cognitive dissonance it takes to uphold these things

2019-12-22 02:42:34 UTC  

>citizens are grown genetically
erm, no? that wasn't a thing in the movie.

2019-12-22 02:42:49 UTC  

is there some other source material I'm not aware of?

2019-12-22 02:43:48 UTC  

then again I can't count on both my hands how long its been since I've seen it, maybe I forgot

2019-12-22 03:10:43 UTC  

So fellow Americans , who shall we conquer first with our new space force ? The bugs ? Or the citadel races ?

2019-12-22 03:13:49 UTC  

Citadel araces.

2019-12-22 03:15:24 UTC  

Moon first, then the rest of the universe

2019-12-22 03:28:39 UTC  

first the canadians

2019-12-22 03:47:08 UTC  

i wonder if sargon disputed the takedown yet, seems that it should be fair use or that WB should be ok with it since its a positive advert for their film