Message from @Mersenne

Discord ID: 659391618255683614

2019-12-25 00:09:47 UTC  

pls brain

2019-12-25 00:09:47 UTC  

You need to include something to put on the 4 brain meme, try again

2019-12-25 00:11:08 UTC  

pls brain seeing the story on twitter,going to the news website,reading about the article on a right wing site,using the site

2019-12-25 00:11:08 UTC  

Too long. You're 6 characters over the limit!

2019-12-25 00:11:56 UTC  

pls brain seeing it on twitter,going to the news website,see the article on a right wing site,using the site

2019-12-25 00:11:57 UTC

2019-12-25 13:45:33 UTC  

Pls daily

2019-12-25 13:45:34 UTC  

2019-12-25 13:45:40 UTC  

Pls vote

2019-12-25 13:45:41 UTC  

**Tip**: We've got over 300 commands, have you tried them all?

2019-12-25 13:46:25 UTC  

Pls use normie box

2019-12-25 13:46:25 UTC  

@Mersenne good stuff, you got a solid **902** coins from your normie box

2019-12-25 13:46:35 UTC  

Pls postmeme

2019-12-25 13:46:35 UTC  

**__What type of meme do you want to post?__**
`d` ■ **Dank meme**
`e` ■ **Edgy meme**
`n` ■ **Normie Meme**
`s` ■ **Spoopy Meme**
`r` ■ **Repost meme**

2019-12-25 13:46:38 UTC  


2019-12-25 13:46:38 UTC  

Your posted meme is **__TRENDING__** with **9280 upvotes**. You get 357 coins, niceeee meme bro

2019-12-25 13:46:43 UTC  

Pls beg

2019-12-25 13:46:43 UTC  

**Queen Elizabeth** has donated 65 coins to @Mersenne, and a <:cookie:573152241289003036> **Cookie**

2019-12-25 13:46:50 UTC  

Pls sell cook

2019-12-25 13:46:50 UTC  

2019-12-25 13:46:52 UTC  

Pls work

2019-12-25 13:46:52 UTC  

You never fail to amaze me Mersenne. I think you deserve a fat promotion, don't you?
Your salary has increased by **13 coins**! `100 + 13 coins an hour`

2019-12-25 13:46:56 UTC  

Pls work

2019-12-25 13:46:56 UTC  

@Mersenne Type the words that were displayed before into the chat now!

2019-12-25 13:47:09 UTC  

tseries money dislike video

2019-12-25 13:47:09 UTC  

**BOSS** Good stuff Mersenne, got the work done well. You were given `116` coins for one hour of work.

2019-12-25 13:47:15 UTC  

Pls dep all

2019-12-25 13:47:15 UTC  

**1987** coins deposited

2019-12-25 13:47:19 UTC  

Pls with 500

2019-12-25 13:47:20 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

2019-12-25 13:47:22 UTC  

Pls rich

2019-12-25 13:47:22 UTC  

2019-12-25 13:47:40 UTC  

Pls steal Rookie 314159265

2019-12-25 13:47:41 UTC  

You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.

2019-12-25 13:47:45 UTC  

Pls kitty

2019-12-25 13:47:45 UTC  

**Tip**: We have a twitter (`@dankmemerbot`) and a subreddit (`/r/dankmemer`), come talk to us!

2019-12-25 13:47:49 UTC  

Pls bal

2019-12-25 13:47:49 UTC  

2019-12-25 13:47:57 UTC  

Pls with all

2019-12-25 13:47:58 UTC  

**23429** coins withdrawn

2019-12-25 14:45:20 UTC  

pls snek