Message from @ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ

Discord ID: 660464418370617356

Although it is possible to "recycle" the blades the thermal decomposition of the composites are used to recover the individuals fibres. For pyrolysis, the material is heated up to 500 °C in an enviroment without oxygen, causing it to break down into lower weight organic substances ANOR gaseous products. Glass fiber will generally lose ~50 % of their initial "strenght" () it can then be used for reinformcement in paints or concrete. The thing is that this process requires enormous amount of constant energy, which is not something that you are ever going to achieve from the intermittient energy sources 😉

2019-12-28 12:40:31 UTC  

polyester apparently

2019-12-28 12:40:36 UTC  

epoxy and polyester

2019-12-28 12:46:15 UTC  

a good plan for renewable energies would be
nuclear for baseline
batteries for fast reactions
wind for when its windy
and solar to generate a bunch of extra

2019-12-28 12:46:27 UTC  

i mean, that or see how fusion goes

If you take figures for some hypothetical scenario that we would build 30 TW wind, it would go around 21 428 571 blades every 25 year; in tons of "non-recyclable blades" it would roughly translate into 173 842 857 tons of "non-recyclable blades"; the area that it would require in m^2, 5 869 971 429 m^2 rougly rounded to about 5860 km^2. This is based on the V135-4.2 blade dimensions; length 66,7m; chord 4,1m; area 273,47m^2.

2019-12-28 12:46:40 UTC  

looks like it actually is justy 20-30 years off at this point

2019-12-28 12:46:55 UTC  

bruh, you can make better blades

2019-12-28 12:47:44 UTC  

Also, vertical windmills offer more in terms of longevity, plus they don't kill as many animals (!) yet we aren't seeing them in various iterations... It's the horizontal that gets nearly all subsidies for deployment & research...

Bruh how are you going to run industries with shitty solar and wind when they cannot generate energy almost all the time and you need to base-load it or at least somewhat transform it down.

2019-12-28 12:48:06 UTC  


2019-12-28 12:48:07 UTC  


Of course, nuclear is the best alternative.

2019-12-28 12:48:30 UTC  

and thats only if you go completely off fossil fuels

Why the hell use materials for going around with some windspinners

When you could use it for other things.

2019-12-28 12:49:01 UTC  



2019-12-28 12:49:13 UTC  

More importantly,

The more renewable you install, the more natural gas intermittent stations you need to put down. In lock step reall which is retarded if you askbme but looks good on paper

2019-12-28 12:49:40 UTC  

@Sq crcl there are plenty of energy storage systems that can fill that void

Then you need to make large litium ion battery farms n shit that we do not really need.

2019-12-28 12:49:55 UTC  

Water dams being one option, yes

2019-12-28 12:50:05 UTC  
2019-12-28 12:50:07 UTC  

there are alternatives to lithium ion for battery storage as well

2019-12-28 12:50:08 UTC  

Water towers

For wind and solar yes 😛

Yes you do

2019-12-28 12:50:26 UTC  

hell, we're making progress in solid state batteries

2019-12-28 12:50:29 UTC  

Batteries are too shit to compete with plain old dams

2019-12-28 12:50:38 UTC  

Sorta but the energy density is still low... Only enough to bridge peak usage

2019-12-28 12:50:43 UTC  

tbf, with water power storage there is a location issue

2019-12-28 12:50:51 UTC  


And enviromental issue

2019-12-28 12:50:56 UTC  


2019-12-28 12:50:58 UTC  

🤷‍♂️ not really

biodiversity gets shanked by waterfalls hydropower

2019-12-28 12:51:22 UTC  

you dont build fucking waterfalls

2019-12-28 12:51:26 UTC  

*you make pumped hydro*

2019-12-28 12:51:27 UTC  


2019-12-28 12:51:27 UTC  

Only if you're a retard about constructing them
