Message from @Zombie
Discord ID: 278328647016775681
yeah i've seen a lot of "declare antifa as a terrorist group" petitions passed around as honeypots
it doesn't matter if you post with a fake name or email, it's a honeypot
read the announcements skeleton jelly
it talks about that
fake names and email won't cover your IP address
____ is a ____ of peace
Holy kek
radio silence
fight the good fight
what is going on......?
he was smeared all over the place during the campaign
and ford trucks
they didnt bail out for the shekel of 2008
Give me this car...
fk a bimmer
Justin "fag grenade at the fag parade" Trudeau
You know all these "/pol/, how can we save women?" kind of threads - are they slides?
its a meme topic
but they're all identical
it might have been taken up by shills
you save them by being less like a woman
Honestly, mods just aren't doing their jobs right.
they are the women.. and men are women too
but as far as im concerened
It's so easy to slide now though