Message from @Al Capwned

Discord ID: 660736108899991572

2019-12-29 05:19:51 UTC  

The Great Salt Lake is full of Birbs

2019-12-29 05:23:57 UTC  

Apologies. A phone call has come in, @Hastur. Give me a few minutes, and we'll come back to this.

2019-12-29 05:24:32 UTC  

Well, it's time for me to shrug off this mortal coil for a few hours. @Jeremy, it's been a blast and a half. Always a good time meeting a fellow "Randroid" (of all the insults hurled my way, that one was my favorite.)

2019-12-29 05:25:01 UTC  

If you'd like to continue our discussion, feel free to DM me.

2019-12-29 05:44:32 UTC

2019-12-29 05:44:32 UTC

2019-12-29 05:44:42 UTC  

I came up with a new economic system

2019-12-29 05:48:53 UTC  

Škoro, a right-wing Croatian candidate for president who came third in the first round actually won the most votes from people under 29.

2019-12-29 05:50:57 UTC  


2019-12-29 06:04:27 UTC  

guys is anyone here good at art history

2019-12-29 06:04:32 UTC  

or have a good general knowledge of art

2019-12-29 06:19:09 UTC  

@bruh1324 i dunno about the same field

2019-12-29 06:19:17 UTC  

different kinds of businesses work better at large and small sizes

2019-12-29 06:23:08 UTC  

the bank could be expanded to be more general purpose too and offer no interest loans for homes for families too

2019-12-29 06:26:35 UTC  

it could be structured kind of like a credit union with a board split into at least three parts representing labor, capital, and the family (with one vote per laborer, one voter per firm which would be biased toward small firms, and one or two votes per family in appointing their respective members of the board)

2019-12-29 06:27:17 UTC  

it sounds like an interesting tool to be used toward distributist ends, maybe

2019-12-29 06:31:17 UTC  

Likewise, @Hastur. "Randroid" is a rather ironic insult, given how it so accurately tends to suffice as a characterization.

2019-12-29 06:44:33 UTC  

On a side note, there's nothing quite as invigorating as a hot and cold shower when you wake up feeling as though you've been ran over by a train. If you can enjoy the rejuvenation and luxury of a Jacuzzi or hot spring, then take to an ablution of cold water, more power to you.

2019-12-29 06:47:43 UTC  

Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Swedish historian and paleoclimatologist has published a lot of stuff about how humanity influences the climate.

Today I heard a claim he made that Europeans greatly influenced the climate by conquering the americas. As they managed to wipe out about 90 % of indigenous americans in the process, huge swathes of farmland used by the native americans got re-forested as the forests grew back in the unkept cropfields.

This in turn lead to the regrowing trees absorbing a lot more CO2 from the atmosphere, causing a reverse effect of global warming.

So I guess this means that Greta Thunberg has to go back on her recent cuckery to "indigenous peoples" and instead adopt a policy of ethnic cleansing of brown people so we can turn their farmlands into CO2 absorbing forests instead. 😋

2019-12-29 07:29:31 UTC  

In 2019, the DOW experiences multiple 400+ point falls in a single day.

2019-12-29 07:30:18 UTC  

Despite this, the economy is said to be 'stellar' and China is said to be 'losing'.

2019-12-29 07:33:29 UTC  

It's disturbing the lack of understanding people exhibit of simple economics. What is the importance of economic health in a Democracy based on free-market principles of individualism vs in a country based on a ridgid sense of duty which places the individual second to the collective and is run by a totalitarian Communist gov which YEETS anyone that doesn't conform to their standards?

2019-12-29 07:36:18 UTC  

well most countries have over a 100% debt to GDP ratio. I think china's is 200%+ debt to GDP ratio

2019-12-29 07:36:26 UTC  

it should be obvious the whole thing is a bubble waiting to pop

2019-12-29 07:36:33 UTC  

'Money' does NOT serve the same purpose in China as it does in the US. China plays the long game while the FED has for decades placed the short-term over the long-term health of the econmy.

2019-12-29 07:37:06 UTC  

Specify: What do you mean by 'this'?

2019-12-29 07:38:26 UTC  

the debt to GDP metric as many other is misleading because of the degree in which China intentionally devalues their currency

2019-12-29 07:39:27 UTC  

China intentionally runs at a loss in the short term in favor of the leverage it gains them in the long-term

2019-12-29 07:40:25 UTC  

They pull USD out of the system and sit on it, taking out loans rather than spending or investing this money which would by any capitalist measure be completely retarded

2019-12-29 07:42:21 UTC  

However, this allows China to continue looking like a minor player slowly gaining control of enough forgien assets to be able to manipulate their value.

2019-12-29 07:43:04 UTC  

china has a big problem with corporate debt but china probably also has tools to deal with it liberal countries don't

2019-12-29 07:43:25 UTC  

If China's economy collapses, so what? The won't collapse. they will just become what they were 30 yrs ago. Further, any suffering due to economic problems will just be used by the Communist Party to highlight why Capitalism is INFERIOR to Communism.

2019-12-29 07:44:36 UTC  

China is intentionally leveraging more debt than they require while the West leverages as much as they can AFFORD.

2019-12-29 07:46:24 UTC  

And there is virtually no connection between economic health and their gov staying in power.

2019-12-29 07:47:32 UTC  

If the plebes tolerated having 1/2 of their children killed by the gov, they will tolerate even policies that result in economic armegadon.

2019-12-29 07:48:08 UTC  

Meanwhile, the US would have Trump's head on a silver platter

2019-12-29 07:53:28 UTC  

Who is Adam and why does he want me to join his Waffle