Message from @Viτriol²

Discord ID: 651337603081175062

2019-12-03 06:08:38 UTC  

The big obstacle to this that will always prevent such change is the lust for power (mainly political) that is so prevalent among many people, and the overall willingness of the masses to hand this power to them, as well as the inability of the rest to take it away again (people need to survive and they want happiness, so a compromise must be made in the reality of consistent power grabs).

2019-12-03 06:10:28 UTC  

If somehow (purely hypothetically speaking) the game of power became an entirely fruitless endeavor, free markets would completely dominate everything.

2019-12-03 06:14:18 UTC  

So in essence, the reason free markets don't work is the same reason that prevents free markets from existing in the first place - people who want power over others always ruin things for the rest.

2019-12-03 06:14:47 UTC  

And those power grabs technically happen at all levels from top to bottom.

2019-12-03 06:17:03 UTC  

And therefore to say that it makes no sense to advocate for free markets is nonsensical. It makes perfect sense to advocate for them, as it is an advocacy of the removal of all tyrants - the people who prevent the free market at every turn for personal gain.
So it is not the free market itself that doesn't work, it's the outside forces that bring it to a stop.

2019-12-03 06:21:48 UTC  

Ironically, things like IP laws are actually anti-free market. It would be interesting to have a large scale experiment where ideas alone can't be property to see if this would result in a better or worse overall economy.

2019-12-03 06:22:29 UTC  

Although not all IP laws are anti-free market, so it would require some really smart fine-tuning beforehand.

2019-12-03 07:50:46 UTC  

@ETBrooD I don't really care about ideal non-pragmatic stuff, therefore, I won't argue hypothetical scenario that has no place in the world. Point stands, you make free market, you will end up with mono-oligopoly, which will end up hurting consumer. Would it not happen in your ideal world? Maybe, but that's not important, we don't live in ideal world. As for the second fallacy, you legit straw manned the fuck out of me, I said nothing about economy LUL

2019-12-03 07:51:10 UTC  

I'm not idealist, I'm pragmatist

2019-12-03 08:00:35 UTC  

You are just as much an idealist, you just think you're not because you don't understand how much of the world economy has made improvements due to more markets being increasingly free.

2019-12-03 08:03:55 UTC  

You also don't quite understand that monopolies are not inherently a bad thing, they come and fade in cycles of years or decades, and that's a good thing because it increases market stability, otherwise investing would decrease.

2019-12-03 08:05:00 UTC  

Basically the less chance of a monopoly, the more likely market stagnation

2019-12-03 08:07:05 UTC  

The big players also give small entrepreneurs something to look up to for inspiration and orientation, so people can keep pushing the envelope and further maximize efficiency and thus prosperity

2019-12-03 08:09:07 UTC  

Lastly, if you want to live life with little to no impact from the big monopolies, you can. So if your values are offended by their existence, at least you're not forced to have them impact your existence.

2019-12-03 08:09:54 UTC  

That's one of the great things about the free market, it offers so much variety specifically *because* it's free.

2019-12-03 08:11:54 UTC  

In fact there's one more argument in favor of monopolies, they can actually offer small entrepreneurs an out (for whichever personal reasons, like if they want to start something new, or retire, or whatever).

2019-12-03 08:14:00 UTC  

There's no perfect economy that any market can offer. But the most free market have resulted in the best economies so far, and if someone argues that free markets are more prone to monopoly control, that's simply false. With more regulation comes more monopolistic control.

2019-12-03 08:14:38 UTC  

With the end scenario being that the government itself becomes the sole monopoly.

2019-12-03 08:14:49 UTC  

That would be in extreme cases.

2019-12-03 08:22:37 UTC  

I could say sorry that some of your favorite products occasionally get replaced by what you consider inferior products, and that's a legit issue. But that won't be solved with more regulations, but in fact the opposite.

2019-12-03 08:23:05 UTC  

How do you feel about government subsidization of small enterprise to encourage competition @ETBrooD

2019-12-03 08:23:29 UTC  

I disagree with all government interference, I only accept it because I'm forced to.

2019-12-03 08:24:42 UTC  

And by that I'm not saying that all politicians are evil all the time and we should lynch them all, I'm only arguing that I think there are far superior ways to run a country.

2019-12-03 08:42:03 UTC  

To clarify my position; A diversity of ways to manage and structure human conduct is the end I think we should be striving for. I think countries are far too large, and that people should organize themselves on a far more local level.

2019-12-03 08:43:58 UTC  

I think a market economy is good because it allows people to organize their own businesses in a way that suits them.

2019-12-03 08:44:44 UTC  

I think the will of the people should be more important than the flow of capital, however.

2019-12-03 08:47:23 UTC  

That's not to say I want any sort of redistribution, because I am uncertain on that point. I don't think it's outside of the right of government to redistribute if it does so with the mandate of the governed. I don't think saying "there is a system it works" is necessarily always enough and you need to play with the tools that are there.

2019-12-03 08:48:20 UTC  

The will of the people and the flow of capital is the same thing in a free market

2019-12-03 08:49:23 UTC  

No, because in a republic each citizen holds one stock. That stock cannot be bought, and cannot be traded.

2019-12-03 08:49:42 UTC  

So the free market undermines the will to steal

2019-12-03 08:49:51 UTC  

And that's why it undermines the will of the people?

2019-12-03 08:50:20 UTC  

What do you mean by the will to steal?

2019-12-03 08:50:57 UTC  

Property is voluntarily traded in a free market, so whether some people hold more than others, it is a direct reflection of the people's will

2019-12-03 08:51:15 UTC  

whether or not*

2019-12-03 08:52:45 UTC  

I think there is a limit to what should be bought and sold. I think you shouldn't sell the land the statue of liberty stands on and elect a shopping mart simply because it isn't profitable.

2019-12-03 08:53:24 UTC  

Profit is not the only consideration in a free market

2019-12-03 08:53:38 UTC  

I know, but it is a considerable one.

2019-12-03 08:53:40 UTC  

People shape the flow of cash, property, etc.

2019-12-03 08:54:14 UTC  

People aren't always reasonable, we aren't the homo economicus the rational actors in a free market.

2019-12-03 08:54:22 UTC  

We do stupid shit like get face tattoos.

2019-12-03 08:55:31 UTC  

You argued that localization of communities is preferable, so the ownership of the statue of liberty would no longer be a US-wide issue