Message from @Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 658134696152137729

2019-12-22 02:17:04 UTC  

Now we can recognize right away this is a lesbian but back then we couldn't. They would have children and pass but when you look back knowing their behaviour you can see it

2019-12-22 02:18:03 UTC  

Sure she became a feminist separatist who ended up living on an island with only lesbians just to be separate from men. But she's pretending to be heterosexual here

2019-12-22 02:18:28 UTC  

If you look at the history they're all like that. They're all androgynous. There's never any feminine woman

2019-12-22 02:18:53 UTC  

Even the ones we don't think are if you look at their history they almost always have had same-sex relationships at some point.

2019-12-22 02:20:04 UTC  

That's the second part but it's pretty important if you want to understand feminism and history

2019-12-22 02:22:56 UTC  

Picture being born in a woman's body body but like a heterosexual man and women are more naturally attracted to men on average, would you feel pretty resentful, and vengeful and powerless that you didn't have what men have that attracts women?

2019-12-22 02:24:27 UTC  

Well there is a genetic component to being gay etc so the history part makes sense

2019-12-22 02:24:50 UTC  

Tho saying that, not all lesbians look masculine

2019-12-22 02:25:37 UTC  

I think lesbians have been stirring up trouble especially with demonizing men and children and sexual intercourse since there has been lesbians

2019-12-22 02:26:45 UTC  

They were often considered witches for that very reason.

2019-12-22 02:27:46 UTC  

One of the reasons is because they were always aggressively pro-abortion and against of course being with Men

2019-12-22 02:28:17 UTC  

Rumour has it that they would give women potions so they can abort children

2019-12-22 02:28:41 UTC  

Lesbians are the most aggressively pro-abortion and if you notice it's almost unanimously heterosexual women who are pro-life

2019-12-22 02:29:13 UTC  

They are driven crazy by the idea that only a man and woman can unite to create a new life

2019-12-22 02:29:30 UTC  

They always Discouraging other women from having children and in their communities will call them "breeders" as an insult

2019-12-22 02:31:14 UTC  

The sex strike that they try to pull off was by lesbians but celebrities boost their signal like they did with that black lesbian who started the #metoo movement a long time ago

2019-12-22 02:31:35 UTC  

All the lesbians ik arnt really like that in my experience, it’s pretty much just like the “all white men believe X”, that’s not to say that there arnt a bunch of radical people like that tho

2019-12-22 02:32:17 UTC  

I'm not saying all of them are like that but it will be a pain in the ass for me to constantly be specific in the sense that they are only 2 to 3% of the populations are not friendly firing but they always say men men men men men

2019-12-22 02:32:19 UTC  

LGBTQ radicals show the same mutational load as the witches of previous era

2019-12-22 02:34:09 UTC  

Right they never say these men or those men but men men and men. That's 100% of the population of men whereas when I say lesbians I'm only talking about 3 to 4% so it's not nearly as much friendly fire on innocent people as it is when they say it

2019-12-22 02:35:30 UTC  

The reason why so much LGBT people are communist is not a coincidence because it is specific to being against the nuclear family a.k.a. heterosexual families

2019-12-22 02:36:24 UTC  

Go to any communist or socialist or bread tube or bread pill bull shit and you'll see that it's disproportionately queer people that's because straight people are pushed away by the anti-hetero implication

2019-12-22 02:37:51 UTC  

Who do you think the most open borders even though it would seem contradictory because of homophobic people who might enter the country?

2019-12-22 02:39:57 UTC  

How come there's no straight woman at a slut walk?

2019-12-22 02:40:36 UTC  

She their messages? Notice which group says these messages

2019-12-22 02:41:00 UTC  

Because they don't like men looking at "their" women

2019-12-22 02:41:30 UTC  

That's not a coincidence. That's impossible to be simply by odds

2019-12-22 02:41:35 UTC  

I love how literally the only thing I’m saying is “not all queer people” lol, but I still feel I need to repeat it

2019-12-22 02:42:23 UTC  

Ik this a sorta dumb question to ask but do u know many lgbt people personally??

2019-12-22 02:42:31 UTC  

Yep I think that's common sense and I mean I spend more time in a gay discord than I do this one.

There is no way I can bring up this problem without coming off as homophobic because there's too much sensitivity around the issue.

2019-12-22 02:44:00 UTC

2019-12-22 02:45:16 UTC  

Those who think they are gender nonconforming are always just conforming to the opposite gender traits.

This affects one's preferences one's politics and how one will view a situation. The more heterosexual the more gender will be attributed to biology whereas the more gender atypical the more likely they will deny it being related to biology claim it's all socialization

2019-12-22 02:47:53 UTC  

LGBT is gay

2019-12-22 02:47:59 UTC  

So for example gay males and bisexual women are most likely to be liberal because of things like porn or simply freedom to live how you want whereas the more heterosexual to more right leaning on average for men and women. The more likely they are to value family and this includes include genetic bias. Yes there is a correlation with heterosexuality, gender Masculine or feminine, and in group genetic bias which is just an externalized in group family biased and family values based worldview

If you look at a black nationalist or white nationalist movement you'll notice it's probably the most homophobic areas you can be in on the Internet

2019-12-22 02:48:09 UTC  

And cringe

2019-12-22 02:48:16 UTC  

But not necessarily intolerable

2019-12-22 02:49:20 UTC  

Lesbians are the most communist and authoritarian like women are not allowed to do what they want with their own bodies such as sex work or they have internalized misogyny if they disagree

2019-12-22 02:50:17 UTC  

The butch lesbian stereotype specifically

2019-12-22 02:50:25 UTC  

Transgender-ism is a very liberal position and lesbians are the most anti-trans.