Message from @Sq crcl

Discord ID: 652666862068432936

2019-12-06 23:09:36 UTC  

Video evidence. Worthless nowadays. Even if true.

2019-12-07 00:13:18 UTC  

Btw... I'm sure it will be revealed soon, how it's also connected with the overall iq drop, apart from the general 'screen-retardation' effects starting to show on the generation(s) that have not lived in a world without vapid online social life and the Internet

2019-12-07 00:15:02 UTC  

Oh, and the fertility drop too

2019-12-07 00:15:43 UTC  

so then i wonder, if we cant evolve fast enough to keep up with the changing technological landscape, would we be required to stay in gated communities like Fallout style vaults for a million years before we're able to properly use the internet, and do space travel or time travel or whatever else

2019-12-07 00:16:25 UTC  

would we have to develop evolution acceleration or brain modification tech in order to advance further than we are

2019-12-07 00:16:37 UTC  

and even if we had that, would people accept it

2019-12-07 00:16:45 UTC  

weird conceptualisation

2019-12-07 00:17:44 UTC  

like the whole CRISPR thing, how could we get enough people to trust the scientist people 'oh yeah we know whats going on its fine...' and then turn them all into ideological puppets or some shit

2019-12-07 00:21:50 UTC  

Not the internet nor any of the technological advances are in the red.

Humanity's out of step advancement in the social side, the lack of proper integration is what we are seeing I suppose.

Most stuff ppl consume hasn't had the time nor the honest research done on it to see whether it's a good idea on the long run or not.

Hitchcock explains suspense by giving an example of a hidden ticking bomb, similarly there's a great multitude of timebombs ticking in the world and most of them are the direct results of impatience, high risk and greed.

2019-12-07 00:22:24 UTC  

the honest research thing is interesting

2019-12-07 00:22:39 UTC  

thats where an AI would be pretty desireable

2019-12-07 00:23:28 UTC  

something that can figure something the fuck out without human error and ideology

2019-12-07 00:23:47 UTC  

Like, why wouldn't we be intimidated by an army of 200 iq Chinese supersoldiers?

2019-12-07 00:24:04 UTC  

and then beam out to people 'yo, chemicals in the fuckin water make you grow a pussy dude'

2019-12-07 00:24:06 UTC  

fuck if i know

2019-12-07 00:24:24 UTC  

Too much, too soon

2019-12-07 00:25:05 UTC  

I'm not a luddite

2019-12-07 00:27:40 UTC  

But clearly, when we as a specie have to resort to the mutually assured destruction of the whole specie in order to (!!!) extend 'peace'...

More technology, idk really but doesn't seem to me like an intelligent direction to keep pushing.

2019-12-07 00:27:48 UTC  

@Sq crcl because if they are that smart 9/10 they are autistic

2019-12-07 00:33:35 UTC  

@Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU

A good start perhaps for science to start recovering from the abysmal credibility is to fix the REPRODUCIBILITY ARMAGEDDON

2019-12-07 00:34:02 UTC  

brown people are our children now

2019-12-07 00:34:08 UTC  

stupid and unaware of the world

2019-12-07 00:34:10 UTC  


2019-12-07 00:34:36 UTC  

I don't want to agree with you

2019-12-07 00:35:43 UTC  

they dont know any better so we must raise them with our white knowledge ok

2019-12-07 00:36:16 UTC  

while simultaneously turning the white knowledge that built global empires into things fuckin Lobster's know how to do better

2019-12-07 00:36:25 UTC

2019-12-07 00:37:35 UTC  

I think not. The intelligent will withdraw... I mean they always do.

2019-12-07 00:38:14 UTC  

Intelligent people are rarely paired up with a fighter mentality.

2019-12-07 00:40:10 UTC  

or a fucking mentality

2019-12-07 00:40:12 UTC  


2019-12-07 00:40:16 UTC  

So, at first maybe. Soon after however is when things buckle under their own weight and in the absence of ppl to be able to fix the damage, the newly collectivised stays in that ruined state until the next firestorm / realm-change.

2019-12-07 00:41:25 UTC  

"or a fucking mentality"

They tend to be 'K' selected, high investment...

2019-12-07 00:41:43 UTC  

But you are correct

2019-12-07 00:46:22 UTC  

How are you supposed to put the 'runaway - technology and its effects toothpaste' back into the 'crony-gov-capitalist' tube?

2019-12-07 00:59:58 UTC  

All this does is create more socialists and determinists who grow up as nihilists

2019-12-07 01:06:19 UTC