Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 653685611689148442

2019-12-09 19:50:17 UTC  

they probably talked about who they could leverage in clintons campaign too

2019-12-09 19:50:19 UTC  

"Based on my training , experience, and participatio n
i n thi s investigation , I believ e that , i n thi s conversation , IGOR
SPORYSHEV and VICTOR PODOBNYY, the defendants, discussed PODOBNYY's
attempted use of Male-1 as an intelligenc e source fo r Russia.
PODOBNYY state d tha t PODOBNYY had emailed wit h Male-1 ("[Male-1]
wrote tha t he i s sorry") , who was intereste d i n business
opportunitie s i n Russia "

2019-12-09 19:50:24 UTC  

literally this is actual hearsay

2019-12-09 19:50:45 UTC  

Based not on hard evidence but his own presumptions, "training, experience" etc. he believed it happened

2019-12-09 19:50:56 UTC  


2019-12-09 19:51:01 UTC  

vibe check pls

2019-12-09 19:51:19 UTC  

"vibe check" is this a new meme?

2019-12-09 19:51:24 UTC  

No, the field-agent picked it up on voice recordings of the defendants discussing Carter Page.

2019-12-09 19:51:24 UTC  

yeah lol

2019-12-09 19:51:25 UTC  

Owen Shroyer interrupted Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler all while live streaming from his phone.

“Jerry Nadler and the Democrat Party are committing treason against this country and you can kick me out, but he’s the one committing crimes. You are, Jerry Nadler! You’re the one committing treason! America is done with this! America is sick of the treason committed by the Democrat Party. "

2019-12-09 19:51:28 UTC  

That's not hearsay.

2019-12-09 19:51:30 UTC  


2019-12-09 19:51:56 UTC  

my mind goes to "check your ass hole for a literal vibrator"

2019-12-09 19:52:06 UTC  


2019-12-09 19:52:11 UTC  

of course it does

2019-12-09 19:52:20 UTC  

Exactly as Russia wants, everyone accusing everyone of treason.

2019-12-09 19:52:55 UTC  

The actual comments he supposedly made, although some of the emails were altered remember, are not relaly indicative of anything

2019-12-09 19:53:00 UTC  

You'd have to read inbetween the lines

2019-12-09 19:53:01 UTC  

fuck russia and fuck the democrats

2019-12-09 19:53:14 UTC  

It's hard not to, when you had over 126 million American aiding their information warfare efforts on Facebook and translating that propaganda consumption into kinetic action.

2019-12-09 19:53:17 UTC  

and the limp dick republicans who barely fight back

2019-12-09 19:53:23 UTC  

And furthermore to spy on the whole Trump campaign over one guy vaguely connected to it is just silly, and becuase someone else contacted him, not becuase he did anything

2019-12-09 19:53:58 UTC  

They didn't spy on the whole Trump campaign, they only tapped Carter Page one month after he left the campaign.

2019-12-09 19:54:18 UTC  

The entire fiasco then spawned the Russia Investigation.

2019-12-09 19:54:28 UTC  

I mean the thing is this has been going on for a while, the New York times and CNN literally run word for word copies of Al-Jazeera and RT news articles like it's their own thing to spread the msinformation. Many americans still believe we didn't find WMD's in iraq, when we clearly did, because of groups like CNN lying about it

2019-12-09 19:54:55 UTC  

That's leftist propaganda for you.

2019-12-09 19:54:58 UTC  

This is stuff that's been proliferated and promogulated for years

2019-12-09 19:54:59 UTC  

the entire fiasco spawned a lot of things, including trumps 2020 re-election <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-09 19:55:13 UTC  

And in the favor of our enemies, so misnformation makes sense

2019-12-09 19:55:38 UTC  

I think part of the problem is they falsely used this as a pretext to spy on the whole trump team and forward this information to his political enemies, such as Obama, who got information on it directly

2019-12-09 19:55:47 UTC  

Then they tried to use it to impeach him, and there was literally no there-there

2019-12-09 19:56:02 UTC  

And now they are spying on nunes and other journalists who vaguely had contact with various people, which is even more absurd

2019-12-09 19:56:18 UTC  

didnt the dems impeach the last like 5 republican presidents?

2019-12-09 19:56:21 UTC  

These people contacted trump and literally, Schiff has their phone records of doign this. In other words, they are still spying on Trump

2019-12-09 19:56:36 UTC  

or tried to, something like that

2019-12-09 19:57:09 UTC  

look at that they did

2019-12-09 19:57:20 UTC  

" The House voted 251 to 166 to refer the impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee on June 11, where no further action was taken on it."

2019-12-09 19:57:27 UTC  

That doesn't have anything to do with the Russia Investigation, but rather Trump's own actions with Ukraine. That's no one's fault but his own.