Message from @Grok
Discord ID: 654881183867338782
Manga is often better than anime. Too many series have to cut some corners or have limited budget to do really good shading etc in every scene
This one Anime is talking shit on the Byzantines and portraying the Turks as Heroes. This Heresy cannot stand. @𝔻𝕖𝕦𝕤 ✠ 𝕍𝕦𝕝𝕥
What kind of cutlass
its okay is eva is too big brain for u
Evangelion is garbage for me too.
revy's gun is called the sword cutlass
Not the historical Byzantines
Like I said, different setting
And while it draws _heavily_ on real world history, some of the details sometimes get changed to justify the dynamics
Still makes my Hateboner rage.
shinji is a little Bitch
Unless, are the Turks Christian in alternate Japanland?
some are
Irl, I totally side with the Byzantines when it comes down to it
Nah, the Turks follow an elemental spirit religion
In Altair
That is
Oh, so they still Tengrii
Islam is absent from the setting
I can dig it.
Vinland Saga was okay if you like history-based stuff. Sure, a lot of it is fiction but it was okay. A bit edgy main character, strong Berserk undertones for good and bad though.
YuruYuri is slice of life, nothing happens and it's dull af.
@Degenerate Revy's piece.
I just got (my second) sword as well
Although mine is a historical, combat-ready hand-and-a-half sword
Slice of life can be good though I prefer those of slightly comedic variety. Asian romcoms seem to be the only romcoms I can stomach, too.
@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl local gunstore had a 92fs inox in stock so im buying one
The last few episodes of Parasyte are based, although the show has some general issues
parasyte is pretty sweet
shinsekai yori
truly based
they overthrow a dystopia
That was my background for awhile
Don't spoil Shinsekai Yori, it has plot twists.
They're already pissing themselves! FLMAO!!!!