Message from @Iamawesom
Discord ID: 287827901490135041
don't click links
thats it
does that show traffic
oh i see
if its DNS faked
then fucked
i see what your getting at
Besides physical violence, what would doxing really do?
stealing info and making it a bitch to get it all back plus money
you could get DDOS'd if they had your IP
pizzas to your house
have fun with that
Become a face fag and make money off of bitcoins n sheeit
Doxxing is for cucks.
And then we get the police on them for DDOS
Not pizza!
Only true redpills track down doxxed women and rape them on sight
>pizza is bad
Are you sure you're not a shill
JK, that actually sounds pretty good
ive got like a dozen guns and im more willing to choke a bitch than i am to kill em. so >rape
Anyone with a mic ready for vetting
sure what yah need
Iamawesom - MO - Today at 1:06 AM
Anyone with a mic ready for petting
Sadly I don't have a mic.
ill gladly wait in line
>Get doxed
>Lots of pizza delivered to you
You guys vet autists?
Do you have a mic @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
yes connected now
I'm fucking extremely autistic
kk I'll move you to the vetting channel
to the pizza delivery
Haven't been out in months