Message from @BabaBooey

Discord ID: 655150741102657545

2019-12-13 20:53:24 UTC  

@Joshyyy might makes right remember?

2019-12-13 20:53:28 UTC  

most of Andres takes are basically "hm ah yes you believe in X but haven't you thought of Z bigot?"

2019-12-13 20:53:29 UTC

2019-12-13 20:53:38 UTC  

socialists are salty that people dont like their ideals (nothing ideal in nature works..there is no "ideal") & want to continue to be able to sell their own labour to whom they want, rather than be bound to do whatever their colleagues in a union force them to do for "the collective good"

2019-12-13 20:53:42 UTC  

the imperialists have no quarrels about "theft" so we will show them the same mercy

2019-12-13 20:54:00 UTC  

lmao fucking retard why

2019-12-13 20:54:02 UTC  

I haven't called anyone here a "bigot" even once lmao

2019-12-13 20:54:06 UTC  

But ok

2019-12-13 20:54:16 UTC  

This coming from a commie that supports Chinese imperialism

2019-12-13 20:54:20 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 why do white people smell like wet dog and mayo?

2019-12-13 20:54:24 UTC  

reee imperialists

2019-12-13 20:54:29 UTC  


2019-12-13 20:54:29 UTC  

i reserve the word "bigot" for those who actually can not respect another person's opinion and resorts to ad hominem

2019-12-13 20:54:30 UTC  

I dunno mane

2019-12-13 20:54:33 UTC  

*turns a blind eye to chinese imperialism*

2019-12-13 20:54:39 UTC  

hold up... who's the imperialist though?

2019-12-13 20:54:52 UTC  

make africa british again

2019-12-13 20:54:58 UTC  

My penis is imperialistic

2019-12-13 20:55:00 UTC  

you dont want to be ass raped by Africans so you're an imperialist, sorry @Joshyyy

2019-12-13 20:55:03 UTC  

im a me imperialist

2019-12-13 20:55:08 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 mayo is too spicy for huwhites

2019-12-13 20:55:13 UTC  

uma delicia

2019-12-13 20:55:18 UTC  

How about anyone who's a socialist is actually a hardcore nationalist.

And anyone who follows Marx, is a body bag. Deal?

2019-12-13 20:55:37 UTC  

> socialist
> Hardcore nationalist

2019-12-13 20:55:39 UTC  

national socialism is still socialism...nah thanks

2019-12-13 20:55:40 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash or we guillotine u simple

2019-12-13 20:55:44 UTC  

you coulda worded that better

2019-12-13 20:56:13 UTC  

@BabaBooey then the ideologically purer NKVD puts you on the block next lol

2019-12-13 20:56:15 UTC  

I did so much drinking last night, I'm surprised brain function still works at all. @Ethreen42

2019-12-13 20:56:17 UTC  

come on just because white people are set to become the minorities does not mean you have to be angry avout it

2019-12-13 20:56:26 UTC  

@BabaBooey you have no right to take someone's life from them when they do not do so to others..


Then go self-employed or set up your own business

2019-12-13 20:56:29 UTC  


2019-12-13 20:56:51 UTC  

Yknow about 15% of Americans outright know about the blues, right

2019-12-13 20:56:53 UTC  

@Saul we are going to seize it

2019-12-13 20:56:59 UTC  

Baba is glowing

2019-12-13 20:57:02 UTC  

national socialism wasn't actually socialism

2019-12-13 20:57:06 UTC  


2019-12-13 20:57:06 UTC  

Fucking glowing

2019-12-13 20:57:07 UTC  

@BabaBooey that is theft

2019-12-13 20:57:08 UTC  

and throw them into the ocean

2019-12-13 20:57:09 UTC  

we need a brainlet emote that isnt bootlet tbh