Message from @el pebble
Discord ID: 608074609983619105
maybe you can understand that you vaccine injured looking piece of shit @Riley
@protricity do you have a conspiracy for freemasons
@el pebble 'masons' are anyone who build out of other humans. 'freemasons' dont exist
and yes I know who and what they are
Saturn worshipers
@protricity My family line on both sides has extensive masonry and there are elements of the old testament in some rituals that dont involve any kind of worship
can you prove any of these devious allegations because the freemasons are just a fraternity for men
@protricity lmao you are funny
alright i get the joke
and its funny! you really had me going there for a moment
@el pebble you're asking me to prove a secret society? that was a dumbshit question
admit how dumb shit a question that was and maybe i'll consider talking to you, otherwise blocked bitch
@Riley i didn't ask your bitch ass a damn thing
in other words you dont know anything about them and i do
No wonder you are a satanist
You have mason curse on your bloodline
@lachlan 🥀 Does God have the power to apply limitation to his own power
to make himself not all-powerful
@protricity tell me more about how Earth use to be a moon of Saturn
and fucking "carbohydrate energy" <:xD:595715666129190922>
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
@Riley you're a little bitch, but i'll tell you anyway
3000 years ago earth was a moon of Saturn
do you have proof other than /x/ tier stuff
@protricity you dont have to repeat yourself
now tell me
"this jpg that says 'Saturn was the sun' will *totally* convince these NPC brainlet sheeple!"
"lol these pictures of people look like a...thing so im right!"