Message from @Riley
Discord ID: 608128157496901632
in other words you dont know anything about them and i do
the information you provided is demonstrably false
No wonder you are a satanist
You have mason curse on your bloodline
@lachlan 🥀 Does God have the power to apply limitation to his own power
to make himself not all-powerful
@protricity tell me more about how Earth use to be a moon of Saturn
and fucking "carbohydrate energy" <:xD:595715666129190922>
3000 years ago earth was a moon of Saturn
do you have proof other than /x/ tier stuff
@protricity you dont have to repeat yourself
now tell me
"lol these pictures of people look like a...thing so im right!"
wait, so you weren't serious?
like I predicted?
the little bitch you appeared to be?
say something else then, little bitch. I'm here
@Riley vaccine injured looking piece of shit, with the blotchy face and all
don't post any more profile pics. that's my brotherly advice
at least until you fix the face
@protricity want to become a moderator?
sure thing. i'll ban @Riley
you don't have ban perms and if you are caught abusing your perms you'll be punished
then I'm probably not a good candidate
giving mod status to a schizo
he's perfectly sane
@Wiktor VI i forgot youre 15
why would i try to make u see reason
@protricity lmao calm the hell down