Message from @Wubbzo

Discord ID: 618266798466269184

2019-09-02 14:08:47 UTC  

Romans 1:24-27 ESV

2019-09-02 14:08:47 UTC  

**Romans 1:24-27 - English Standard Version (ESV)**


<24> Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, <25> because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. <26> For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; <27> and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. ```

2019-09-02 14:09:03 UTC  

Romans 1:32 ESV

2019-09-02 14:09:04 UTC  

**Romans 1:32 - English Standard Version (ESV)**


<32> Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. ```

2019-09-02 20:42:16 UTC  


2019-09-02 22:42:27 UTC  

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question ✝

- What is your stance on seperation of church and state? Theocracy vs Secularism?

2019-09-02 22:43:30 UTC  

Theocracy based

2019-09-02 23:59:34 UTC  


2019-09-02 23:59:44 UTC  

Church and state should be separated

2019-09-03 00:08:50 UTC  

state atheism

2019-09-03 01:31:44 UTC  

lol no

2019-09-03 01:40:32 UTC  

Something similar to the Constitution, free practice of all religions. HOWEVER, if a church is found to have components of/against the state they are not allowed to practice without a heavy tax placed upon them.

2019-09-03 01:41:30 UTC  

the tax would be something the founding father would hate, as its purpose is to strangle the church into submission of the state.

2019-09-03 01:43:39 UTC  

ban on mormonism, judaism, atheism, and jehovas witnesses imo

2019-09-03 01:43:50 UTC  

and evangelicalism

2019-09-03 02:10:52 UTC  

@Wubbzo atheism is the only good one

2019-09-03 02:10:59 UTC  


2019-09-03 02:11:00 UTC  

atheism is the future

2019-09-03 02:11:01 UTC  

it's immoral

2019-09-03 02:11:18 UTC  

LOL what moral claim does it make that you consider "immoral"

2019-09-03 02:11:31 UTC  

consider this:

2019-09-03 02:11:38 UTC  

one atheist claims that genocide is immoral

2019-09-03 02:11:42 UTC  

and one claims it is moral

2019-09-03 02:11:46 UTC  

who is right and who is wrong?

2019-09-03 02:11:52 UTC  

ughhh do I have to explain this again?

2019-09-03 02:12:07 UTC  

like I said, atheism does not make any moral claims

2019-09-03 02:12:10 UTC  

atheism itself

2019-09-03 02:12:14 UTC  


2019-09-03 02:12:18 UTC  

is simply the lack of belief in God

2019-09-03 02:12:18 UTC  

it has no moral claim

2019-09-03 02:12:23 UTC  

that's why it's bad

2019-09-03 02:13:18 UTC  

so we should subjugate ourselves to 1000+ year old arbitrary moral claims?

2019-09-03 02:13:44 UTC  

literally if we made up a religion it would still be better than the lack of religion all together

2019-09-03 02:13:49 UTC  

rather than focusing on the moral claims of a belief, you should focus on whether or not it is logical or true

2019-09-03 02:14:09 UTC  

there is not a fucking shred of evidence for God, therefore its logical to not believe in him

2019-09-03 02:14:47 UTC  

The ~~bible~~ all Abrahamic religions makes dumbass claims in the old T which have been proven wrong (of course most modern Christians like to play them off as "ITS JUST A STORY OMG")

2019-09-03 02:14:57 UTC  

that's irrelevant

2019-09-03 02:15:00 UTC  

I'm literally stating

2019-09-03 02:15:18 UTC  

that any religion would be better foundationally than none

2019-09-03 02:15:32 UTC  

Religion is an intellectual handicap

2019-09-03 02:15:45 UTC  

yes and it would help people to be moral