Message from @Maksim

Discord ID: 621771313794646026

2019-09-12 18:05:10 UTC  

If judgement may come, let it fall upon those who have abused human faith and used it to fuel their own sinful desires

2019-09-12 18:06:24 UTC  

@Riley Cosmological arguments exist, did you know that?

2019-09-12 18:07:10 UTC  

Also did you know the Big Bang theory priest man was a priest man that Big Bang theory’d

2019-09-12 18:11:40 UTC  

the roman catholic church is a criminal org, even the mainstream christians know this

2019-09-12 18:11:42 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:12:05 UTC  

the roman catholic church was created by and is ran by racial jews @Sven Brender

2019-09-12 18:13:29 UTC  

Obviously the were created by racial Jews that’s the point, all of Christianity was created by ‘racial Jews’. What nonsense thinking is that meant to be?

2019-09-12 18:13:52 UTC  

There are christards in this server that seriously believe christianity has nothing to do with jews and was never created by jews

2019-09-12 18:14:01 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:14:09 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:14:10 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:14:19 UTC  

that is the dumbest thing ive ever heard

2019-09-12 18:14:29 UTC  

Simmons! 😍 💕

2019-09-12 18:14:51 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:15:07 UTC  

Oracle, you claimed yesterday that Europe was filled with advanced civilisations *tens of thousands of years ago*. What’s up with that?

2019-09-12 18:15:19 UTC  

Christianity was created by racial Jews, according to the jewish-written bible jesus was a racial and religious jewish rabbi, most of christianity's major figures such as mary and the apostles were racially/ethnically jewish @Riley

2019-09-12 18:15:35 UTC  

christianity was originally a sect of Judaism

2019-09-12 18:15:45 UTC  

like literally 🙄

2019-09-12 18:16:43 UTC  

@---- Not technically correct

2019-09-12 18:17:09 UTC  

I do find it ironic when hard anti-Semite types turn against Christianity for being “too Jewish” while ignoring the fact that European anti Semitism originated from Christians mistrust of Jews and the religious tensions between them.

2019-09-12 18:17:13 UTC  

Christianity as we know it formed once Jesus rebuked the Jewish people and decided to save the gentiles instead of the Jews

2019-09-12 18:17:31 UTC  

Then agains neo-pagans are generally oblivious to history

2019-09-12 18:17:44 UTC  

The new testament Bible repeatedly disavowed Jews and Judaism

2019-09-12 18:17:59 UTC  

where's your source for this? the jewish-written bible states "salvation is of the jews" and regardless of that, it doesn't change the fact that jesus was a racial Jew

2019-09-12 18:18:16 UTC  

According to DM Murdock, rabbi jesus is a fictional character and never actually existed anyway

2019-09-12 18:18:22 UTC  

@---- That's the old testament

2019-09-12 18:18:27 UTC  

so i dont see the point of arguing over fictional characters

2019-09-12 18:18:40 UTC  

New testament literally says rabbis are children of Satan

2019-09-12 18:19:00 UTC  

uh no

2019-09-12 18:19:06 UTC  

The term "Synagogue of Satan" refers to fake Jews (converted Gentiles) who will never be accepted in the mythical heaven of the circumcised son of David (Rabbi Jesus).
*"The decree to destroy all Jews was brought by Satan."* - Jewish Talmud (Esther Rabbah 3:9)

2019-09-12 18:19:38 UTC  

The Talmud isn't a Christian text so why would it apply lmfao

2019-09-12 18:19:43 UTC  

@---- that's not the verse in talking about idiot

2019-09-12 18:19:47 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:19:48 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:20:08 UTC  

It literally says Mary is boiling in a vat of semen in Hell

2019-09-12 18:20:14 UTC  

All my saves verses are gone wtf

2019-09-12 18:20:16 UTC  


2019-09-12 18:21:23 UTC  

the talmuds dont say that anywhere @Deleted User thats a common misconception and that verse is not found anywhere in the babylonian or jerusalem talmud

2019-09-12 18:21:49 UTC  

John 8:39-42

2019-09-12 18:21:50 UTC  

**John 8:39-42 - Good News Translation (GNT)**


<39> They answered him, "Our father is Abraham.""If you really were Abraham's children," Jesus replied, "you would do the same things that he did. <40> All I have ever done is to tell you the truth I heard from God, yet you are trying to kill me. Abraham did nothing like this! <41> You are doing what your father did.""God himself is the only Father we have," they answered, "and we are his true children."<42> Jesus said to them, "If God really were your Father, you would love me, because I came from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own authority, but he sent me. ```

2019-09-12 18:23:09 UTC  

Abraham was a racial and religious Jew