Message from @Stryker
Discord ID: 289002239320784897
Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism, just recently we raised 62k for the Alt-Knight, and all these reports come out of the feds getting a million bones to understand our memes and how our internals work.
@CIA Hey, I'll help you out if you promise to not be cucks about it!
@CIA I have been on 4chan since 2006, my starting price is 50,000 for the first week.
@CIA I'll work cheaper, I have autism and know formal sociology stuff that'll allow me to present the information in ways you understand. Just pay me a decent wage and let me have a minarchist ethno-state.
Or space.
We coupd buy a tank for 44 k
That's because large beauracracy is a meme and a waste of money
@cia just give us $100,000, we'll make more progress than you ever dreamed of to remove communist insurgencies.
@CIA An oldfag who's been here for 11 years is much more valuable as they truly understand how 4chan works.
Pick me
@CIA, I was immersed in Chan culture since the moment I stepped into high school. He may have adopted the meme, but I was born into it, moulded by it, and can explain it in the context of greater cultural movements.
@CIA He thinks he truly was molded by memetics, I found it before Junior High.
@CIA I'm Australian, we are the true power behind the memes.
Damn an Aussie, tough contender.
@CIA My years will make up for it.
@CIA I am also autistic.
Anyone who goes on 4chan is on the spectrum kek
Very much including me
You say that and yet B has been flooded by normies.
And X is far more schizophrenic than autistic.
Yeah, they make everything out of nothing.
No, like X actually has a large population of people who appear to have schizophrenic delusions. It's rather concerning.
No I know
If you go on there, there is a garunteed 3-5 people at any time to be talking about how they're schizo.
@CIA don't give us anything but data to meme, 4chan's utility is an emergent function of the social gestalt performing data sorting and analytical tasks as a game, your only hope to replicate us is to unleash multiple strong AGI onto the noosphere
CIA could just create CIAchan with a /pone/ board
I'd shitpost on CIAchan/pol/
We could be legit weaponized autism against NK, China or Russia
>not alphachan or soupchan or bigguychan
Yeah, some CIA drone could start a thread promising to give us something interesting if we disrupt the entire NK internet via raiding
There's an untapped potential here that the USG is missing
The problem is that we're a loose instrument, all attempts at using us as a personal army tend to fail hard
We're smashing the everloving shit out of SJWism and progressivism
I've noticed a change lately
there's also the incident where we called legit leaks fake and gay, the memespace is highly volatile and an unreliable medium for directed attacks
Right, but we froth at the mouth at the thought of revenge against sjws
The stream might founder and scatter over loose terrain, but show us a big self-important boulder and we'll pound it into gravel