Message from @bosnia rules the cevapi
Discord ID: 612375765174190081
No alliances.
In wich year?
America, Poland, and Denmark.
Usa, china and ma boi putin
America, China, Russia
United States, Russia, China. 3 large military powers ranking in the top 3 in armed forces all around. They have large populations as well as decent economies and good weaponry. Therefore using this I would then go into an imperialistic coalition taking over the world. Which would be easy with these 3 large populations with mass firepower.
Alliance Between Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. Then establish a Slavic Union sort of like the EU and have all slavic nations (13) join
Slavic alliance? Based.
Have a union to rival EU, SU
Ukraine must be nuked
?mute @Deleted User 7d rule 11
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Alexei#9672 was muted, rule 11***
vatican city san marino and sealand
And why? ^
governing body of slavs
It could even overrule the EU
all 3 are or will be super powers within the next 20 years
And become a slavic empire owning all of the EU
ok street shitter
Why not expand?
Slavic Union must be limited to just the 13 slavic countries, and maybe allow hungary in
Show slavic power
to preserve our culture, we musnt dilute it
imaging thinking india wont be a major player
But who said you’d have to mix? Leave the mutts where they are
They can become observing members and then we integrate them into our culture overtime
Assimilate not immigrate
@Bow Historically slavs have forced assimilation of thousands of cultures, we can do the same now
Yes, I agree.
But it would be dumb to just let them in without assimilating them first
There are currently 13 slavic nations, so we would have 13 members of the SU