Message from @GlobalDelete
Discord ID: 638054333673504824
up-down is auth-liber on social issues
In auth left
Than lib left
Yanks are fucking dumb
As a yank, I must say
If you can discourage your neighbors from going to Germany
I will thank you
I'd rather die than talk to another fatty
That is something I heard of Americans
But so are Turks and Northerners
I find it hard to believe any country has more fatties than america
Turks can’t drive either
People who live on islands are fat
oh no im so sorry i shouldn't have used wikipedia i should've read siege instead!!!
Are you serious
Hitler was anti-christian? are you actually daft
hitler did have a dislike for Catholicism
He never worked against it however
In fact I believe he also got the favor of the Pope
he embraced something he called ''positive christianity'' which was basically Christianity but tweaked to make it more in line with NS
By tweaked you mean totally revised right?
Hitler often talked about the misfortune of being given Christianity to work with.
Plus his main man Himmler openly hated it
James Mason is far from Christian
Mason has been Christian Identity for like a decade dweebs