Message from @Spergerger
Discord ID: 648603135887015937
@๐ธ๐๐ผ I'd be pissed but whites would deserve it for being weak
Thats a fair point
What country do you live in?
@๐ธ๐๐ผ Canada
Born in the UK
Then I really feel sorry for you
you pretty much live in homosexual pakistan
and your prime minister dresses like a drag queen
There are packs of arabs at my school who go around yelling allahu ackbar occasionally
It's fucked
That is a fucking rip
what a bunch of absolute chads
fuck trudeau tho
Is it worth taking?
Depends what ya using it for
If ya doing sports go for it
Eating it like a snack is a waste of money tho
Does this make you mad?
i mean
it doesnt make me mad
south africa is simply a cautionary tale
i imagine it would probably anger a saffer
or a khoi san for that matter
They shouldn't have ended apartheid
apartheid was literally better for blacks than the current gov lol
Should've wiped the natives out
Where is that video where beans dance and info about porn
@Spergerger that's an insult against the current gov. not against apartheid
apartheid worked ok imo
some tweaks needed but over time it would have got where it was needed
Apartheid was actually worse for blacks but it did work, and now that is has ended it is the white Afrikaners who suffer
blacks are worse off now than under apartheid actually
lower wage
higher aids etc
That isn't because of Apartheid
@Maksim is a ะฟigger and a fake slav