Message from @πΈππΌ
Discord ID: 648559380073283595
*I mean that's just karma*
I suppose it is
But considering the far right is gaining traction in Europe is hope it is an issue that will be fixed soon
@πΈππΌ no one deserves land
Unless they can defend it
And occupy it
By that logic the Nazis didn't deserve land after all they did lose in the end
@πΈππΌ correct
I dont believe its hopeless
They failed
So if white people were to lose a culture war you wouldn't have an opinion about that?
Just a simple they failed move on
Not much of a nationalist
@πΈππΌ I'd be pissed but whites would deserve it for being weak
Thats a fair point
What country do you live in?
@πΈππΌ Canada
Born in the UK
you pretty much live in homosexual pakistan
and your prime minister dresses like a drag queen
There are packs of arabs at my school who go around yelling allahu ackbar occasionally
It's fucked
That is a fucking rip
what a bunch of absolute chads
fuck trudeau tho
Is it worth taking?
Depends what ya using it for
If ya doing sports go for it
Eating it like a snack is a waste of money tho
@Asdrubal do u just enjoy posting cringe?
south african natives!!!
oh no no no
Does this make you mad?
i mean
it doesnt make me mad
south africa is simply a cautionary tale
i imagine it would probably anger a saffer
or a khoi san for that matter