Message from @Riley
Discord ID: 651846528528416769
Get aids faggot
Also im german and not american
Virgin American Nazis labeled domestic terrorists and never see front line battle
Chad Ukrainian Azov Battalion is a point of pride for the nation and is funded by Israel and the U.S
Yes write kek again
Its very funny when you write kek
I am funny
Kek to save the white race
Ok glow in the dark
WTF is this cancer
What the fuck was that?
AWD or fed is sperging ig
@EXIV#0246 Take your Ritalin
got to talk to the AWD member in dm (i usually DM people who just get banned from servers)
AWD is just larp tbh
just like black bloc
you need a vanguard party if you want to win
secretive and decentralized does not work
it could have worked but it got subverted by Satanists and jihadis lol
azov gets funds from israel
well thats sorta true
azov is part of ukrainian military and therefore the US uses israel as a proxy for weapons and funding
@cool guy swag It does
@ilovemyself AWD would be more useful if it *had* a party
but there isn't anything particular wrong with it in principle
like when it comes down to it
they're basically the SA
they aren't the party
or any kind of intelligensia