☭ ⊕ Korovsky ⊕ ☭

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Stole it already.


Mental health disorders shouldn't be taboo to discuss.

In many cases something is very clearly wrong with them in the head.

They should be institutionalized.

Putting them in work camps shouldn't be permitted, as they would be legally classified as insane by the State.

They would be entitled to the insanity plea, regardless of if they can be treated or not.

*Nulla poena sine lege*

Unless there's some kind of separate criminal code for them, they would logically have the same rights.



Don't even like Trump but this is a bad take considering that it misunderstands what's meant by MAGA.

Nobody who supports Trump's boomer neoconservatism can point out any period of America they'd rather live in

What they *can* point out however is the spirit of 'Americanism', glorified civic nationalism under crony capitalism.



2019-09-11 00:51:52 UTC [333 #lobby]  

2019-09-11 02:03:13 UTC [333 #lobby]  

let me in stupids

2019-09-11 02:03:24 UTC [333 #lobby]  


It's not really a problem of who can vote but how.

Representative democracy doesn't do a good job at keeping its voter base informed, and the media deliberately keeps it this way

Party politics and the media circus drummed up at election time aids in voters turning it into nothing more than a sportsball game where they just want "their" party to win no matter how shit they are.

In effect, the multiple party system is a sham.

Anybody who is seriously working outside of the two parties in the real world knows this. You can explain every aspect of your policy and get somebody to agree but they still won't vote for you because they've got some Game of Thrones blood oath to their party "because my dad voted for them, and so did his dad and I'm gonna uphold the tradition" or whatever the fuck.

It's a waste of time.

It should be a one-party system where individuals vote according to the field they work in (agriculture, industry, etc.) which exists to advise the government how best to proceed on certain policies. That's the only way I can plausibly see informed votes happening.

this is peak boomer mindset

housing crisis in your country?

just work harder, serf

Fine outfit, bad physique.

Lose some pounds.

Go figure


Another reason why I wish the revolution would be televised

It's warranted

@Gromp They're that bad.


ok capie

no gods, no masters, except for my landlord

Total worker control.

Combination of cultural warfare, the sanctity of marriage and a lot of rope, some assembly required

I don't know if you would count this as a book of an explicitly political nature in the same vein as other ideological works

But *The Impeachment of Man* is perhaps one of the best books I've ever read.

Essentially it's a manifesto of Deep Ecology, if you want to call it that.

Some might call it that, though I believe that any person who is seriously concerned with nature in general can learn from it even if they do not explicitly identify as a Fascist.

The government is definitely not going to use it to make everybody outside of their cliche extremely stupid.

That would be an abuse of their power and they've never been known for that before.

False dichotomy.

Total planned economy.

You cannot be a Capitalist and a Nationalist is my stance.

Man cannot serve two masters.

@Attika i must have Alzheimer's cause ion remember asking

From the point of view that 'good' is to be interpreted as the 'common good' as opposed to individual good.

A certain policy might be 'good' for a select few individuals, but not for the majority of citizens who have to live with its results.

Old morals are good but they should be implemented into a futurist framework.

The industrial revolution and its consequences.....

'Progress' is as subjective as 'good.'

If we're to believe that there is no such objective thing as 'good', then 'progress' is just as moot a talking point.

Ok loser <:shoot:591451983647473707>

🖕🏻 dont care didnt ask plus youre a monarchist 🖕🏻

A good authoritarian government is one that can afford to remain largely unintrusive in people's private lives

Bit of both

Porn would go through a slow phase of being uprooted imo

Being socially shunned like smoking is, and then gradually banned

Could just set a bar for what 'dissent' is. Like for me, disagreement with certain small policy is not the same as outright sedition

The only way you could be an enemy of the state is if you are either a Capitalist or anti-White


Gorky was based

Unless you're like a CEO or some shit

I doubt it

CEO of racism

Freedom isn't gay, it's just been turned into an overused buzzword that's been boiled down to "if I can't choose wrong, you're oppressing me"

The Trotskyists in my city support HK


He should've finished what Hitler didn't start but should have

Like Canada

Only Chechnya

Third World should've listened to Gadaffi

Depends on the totalitarian regime. If it is moral and fair, then I have no problem with it.

The depressed announcer voice on the train is my aesthetic.

Western Civilization began to decline when it disobeyed the law of God.

We either return to it or we die.

Not all cultures are equal.

Public/State ownership and control of the means of production; cooperative business is allowed to exist
Heavy environmental protections
Planned economy
Minimal taxation - ideally *none* but that is perhaps unrealistic
State-subsidized culture fund

implying corporation will exist

Income tax

Shoot heretics

This post was made by Christbol gang

Muslims are cool, they just don't belong in the West

Atheism is for fags, hippies and nihilists


I'm Nazbol Theocrat @Simp


Jews are the antichrist

Read Thomas Aquinas

"bro what's 2 + 2, but don't answer with any of that '4' stuff"

like what

Because Aquinas had studied like centuries of literature and dogma??


he's a theologian so it counts as a source

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