Message from @annapalms
Discord ID: 656856272817356811
So how has it been debunked
So it isn't actually cultural replacement. Its racial. And this doesn't mean that whites literally shrunk as a group. They just have less of a share of the population because after immigration (specifically 1965) reform, the population grew exponentially
None of this points to whites being "replaced", except that last article which I bet
That’s why it’s called replacement numbnut you are just trying to argue semantics
No I'm not. It literally isn't replacement
The population is just growing
Whites are still@there
Not being replaced
More people are just coming in
ok so if i add water to whisky then its still the same?
Not comparable
kinda is doe
Yeah they aren’t literally taking whites and replacing them with a non white but they are replacing whites as the dominate demographic
Secondly it is comparable
We aren’t the same we are different
People aren’t just these interchangeable parts you can move around
If japan became majority Indian it wouldn’t be japan
Like wise if America becomes majority Hispanic it won’t be America it would be basically Mexico+
Uhhh... fuck that. And fuck minorities.
Ooooh, what subject of study is this?
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
W8 no
It's from General Zoology my bad
Ahhhh, alright.
This for a specific major?
Biology ♡
Aiming to be a microbiologist someday.
funny how europe drops
Bruh people be like, the minorities will take over and then in 2050 the minorities won't be minorities any more
What we will call them
The majorities!!!
And we could finally use the minority card?
whites are minorities now
we were here first
fuck off libs
not my fault you dont know how to control country
Race war when
be grateful for your motherland