Message from @Waterdog
Discord ID: 334477925569134592
it should be a goal to awaken the germanic peoples in the midwest
how do we debate the cucks and coalburners who will inevitably call us racists and get us blacklisted from every fuckign thing for their virtue signalling
this has to be a Germanic movement. its the only uniting factor. and we need to make the arguments that any far right movement makes. we think all people have a right to exist, but to secure our existence we must have our own state.
according to 23and me my british is slightly higher than my german, but its only 24 to 22
I still consider myself germanic tho
especially because of trhe 25% unidentified bs
thats what mine says too but I count the broadly north western European as the german part as well.
yeah i have so much broadly
Good thing is that I have blonde hair and blue eyes
lol rocking it fam.
but im on with you about the site. this needs to happen so 1. we have claim and control of the movement 2. have a place where we can share information and plan events from.
I have basic coding skills, but prob not enough to make a good site
it honestly doesnt have to be too fancy, just look good enough and functional enough that people hate it and we can post information.
>tfw light blonde hair when a kid turned dirty blonde when i got older, used to pale but got farmer tan'd and have green eyes
>tfw you will never be aryan
same as memelord but its been a few years since i made anything tbh
green is aryan
azhf same
get the fuck out of here niggers!
fuck off aryanfag. midwest belongs to the negroes now!
lol Meme lord have you heard of wordpress? is it worth looking into?
Jk, not many good domain names and Im not going to pay that much
what is our movement called? just midwest nationalism?
for the moment yes, were trying to come up with something better. very open to ideas
how do we feel about the Midwest Alliance
how far west does midwest extend? Idaho or Dakotas included?
We for sure need north dakota cause nuclear arsenals
ok good. I also heard some arguments for pennsylvania, should they be included? i read that west of philly goes to midwest and east of philly goes to NJ sounds decent to me
I mean id be fine with it but if we start making exceptions then Kentucky will want in the Oklahoma the Colorado, the point of this is to localize and be able to focus in on one region so that were not stuck with the task of turning the whole US into an ethnic state, witch is where were stuck right now
true, true.
If those regions want to start their own movement and be allied with us in the goal that eventually one of us will win and we all get to go to where ever it is in the end id be completely down. but right now we have to focus in on us and work for our region.
Hey, would everyone be down to all jump in on a /pol/ thread later? Just getting it going and pushing our narrative
Yes sir. Start it at 5ish if you could cause im busy af today