Message from @Andrew Williams
Discord ID: 338836982857990144
I know, I just want to make sure I don't show up with something I can't bring. I might bring a Midwest flag but was also thinking about an Identity Evropa flag or Vanguard America flag
I'd use the american one personally
I think we'll just get drowned out in a sea of Confederate flags anyway
thats a shame
True. I'm just trying to promote our thing. There will be a ton of I.E. and Vanguard flags already. Why I'm bringing this one
What are you using to get the flag printed?
Just ordered the Yugoslavian flag and I'm going to iron on the eagle
When you do that, make sure to put a picture in here. I wanna see how it turns out
damn wish i could go to the rally
Will do. Hopefully we'll. Kinda improvising at this point. To have a custom one made would be over $100 and after paying for the site I can't afford that.
Understandable. Much more worth it to have a site to spread the message than a single flag at one rally. It's all good
you have a site?
Lol yea dude
Both of the articles are by yours truly.
damn it actually looks like it was made in the past 10 years
nice job
Thanks. We keep trying to have content every week, ever feel like posting something dm it to me and we'll figure something out.
have you seen the american nazi party site, it needs to be redone like yours tbh
Yeah it looks bad. Though I think at this point in the movement, while in our beginning stages, publicly embracing Third Reich iconography does us no favors.
Yea why I went with Midwestern Alliance instead of Reich in all our info. Everyone involved knows what this is, but you dont get normies in that way. on /pol/ its fine, outside keep it calm
sure thing
speaking of /pol/ we should get a thread up there
feel free to, ill shit post some in it
alright one sec
here she is
yea lol took like 30 sec in paint
interesting, the one thing we dont have on our side is large coast territory, in the core midwest I mean
Yeah I agree. If we expanded north into Canada we would have sea access
And eastward into New York/Jersey
it was made by an anon back in the early days. we probably need to have a talk about it and figire something more realistic out with our mapping. something to stop the " CAN KENTUCKY JOIN????" threads
Yeah that would be a good discussion point. We should make a handbook for the movement/Party if we make a political party
and outline territories in it