Message from @blaisico
Discord ID: 383087342140915733
The Holocaust happened and it was a good thing
Even if it did happen as the accepted narrative says I'd still look at NS Germany favorably
It was the only solution left
Greg Johnson is a guy on the alt right that says it happened
He gets into arguments with Anglin and those guys about it
Well, GJ will say it happen because he isn't radical, at least not openly
I'm kind of indifferent at this point if it happened or not, it was 70 years ago and I still love national socialism, fascism and national socialist germany
I say it happened, but only as a final solution
It should of happened
Also, no soap bars, and not nearly as many died
We will make it happen
@HoosierShitposter chill
Going to pound the iron and I will give you guys my opinion when I get back
No time for chill just gas
They can leave if they want and if they don't we take away their right to exist
Just send em to Madagascar
Blacks go back to Africa, Mexicans to Mexico, native Americans to the southwest, Asians to Asia
Jews to Israel
But if we don't do the rahowa how will I take Abigail Shapiro ad a war wife?
Tbh skypes whining about them being the only victims ever is the most triggering because it makes regular moderate traditionalism nationalism whatever you call it impossible
More Slavs died in so called shoah.
Or at least as much
Wait, are you saying that Hitler killed a shit load of Poles in general?
Almost as if he was trying to depopulate Poland to make room for German settlers??
It's almost as is there was ethnic cleansing as a part of every war
Slavo-Germanic Barron Trump Midwestern futurism only
Anglo-Germanic Esoteric Fascistic Futurism only
Potato nigger nationalism
@blaisico that chart sums up exactly what I was going to say
Wtf I want to be a McPMC merc now
Has anyone here read Imperium by Francis Parker yockey