Message from @Tatsumaki
Discord ID: 396671716744757249
Ill Gas u if i dont get pm
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Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!239456859184955394>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!239456529814781953>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!396635029494824960>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!162963576951144448>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, @RAZVAN. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!396668023391649794>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!319877845327413268>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
I vape
Welcome to Majestic 12, @swollencock. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
This best not be the kike hangout! Lol
What do I gotta do now???
I sent our man Mr. Bond $50 usd
@RAZVAN hey man what the fuck do I do now?
Welcome to Majestic 12, <@!396724844311609344>. This server is for majestic eyes only. Please DM an admin/moderator or a recruiter to begin your vetting process.
you should work out your neck
I did the Bastard is up to 22"
My bitch is working on throat lunges
i'm talking neck curls
neck bridges
you need big thick neck like a frog