Message from @RAZVAN
Discord ID: 396741902453702656
My bitch is working on throat lunges
i'm talking neck curls
neck bridges
you need big thick neck like a frog
i've been doing neck training for a year everyday now
Is this Sgt Miller?
No BS I knew this Sgt Miller in the army 24" we just called him NECK
no but I plan on joining the army this year
Duck that go Marines!!!! Army was the biggest mistake of my life
Wow super Cuck award
marines is water stuff? I am from europe
going to infantry
army is good
I went a year to a sociology degree college
never saw people as pathetic and disabled as those in my life
Not much water in the triangle of death
you'd think that numales and feminists are just in your side
but no
Feminism is a plaugue to humanity
hope army is better
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I lived Europe I've live in Germany England Austria
I loved
Germany has degraded
You couldn't pay me to go there NOW
It sickens me, what Germany has become
i have theory
it's all because of the falling testosterone levels
fucking soy boys
I used to be low t
its disgusting
Anyone who sells soy products should be executed
video games
You know what soy is right?