Message from @Hippo

Discord ID: 471458952933146627

2018-07-24 23:25:13 UTC  

with the poop chute?

2018-07-24 23:25:18 UTC  

the peristalsis of shit!

2018-07-24 23:25:25 UTC  

how can you be fascinated by that?

2018-07-24 23:25:37 UTC  

idk man I just say something

2018-07-24 23:25:41 UTC  

Pain just pisses me off, first of all he's a dead end sysadmin who's performance at work is so shit he can't afford anything. He surrounds himself with people smarter than him so he can act all high and mighty. He don't know jack shit about anything, just uses his social engineering skills to act like he does. He's a dirty leech who will never get anywhere in life, and imma be so fucking happy in a few years when i've surpassed him in everything he's ever gonna do, and i'll still be like 5 years younger than him

2018-07-24 23:26:15 UTC  

hippo. be careful.

2018-07-24 23:26:16 UTC  

how old r u

2018-07-24 23:26:20 UTC  

dont do it hippo.

2018-07-24 23:26:26 UTC  

do not turn into a savage truther.

2018-07-24 23:27:02 UTC  

The truth always find a way

2018-07-24 23:27:03 UTC  

Just trynna let out anger you know. Like he can see this chat, and he's making fun of me in as we speak

2018-07-24 23:27:14 UTC  

so hoi 👋

2018-07-24 23:27:49 UTC  

@Athena And i'm 15 <:GWchadThink:366999782348292108>

2018-07-24 23:27:57 UTC  

Hence my anger

2018-07-24 23:28:02 UTC  


2018-07-24 23:28:14 UTC  

in all fairness to him, his sys admin skills are good.but i guess anyone can be on that level after a few weeks of basic understanding. (even though im genuinely surprised no Anon sites were hacked in last 2 years).

2018-07-24 23:29:05 UTC  

All he does is look at fucking ssh logs

2018-07-24 23:29:08 UTC  

@Hippo 15????????? i assumed you were at least 10 years older than that

2018-07-24 23:29:13 UTC  


2018-07-24 23:29:15 UTC  

I'm 15

2018-07-24 23:29:33 UTC  

Turned 15 in april lel

2018-07-24 23:29:41 UTC  

but you are even more mature than me... and im........ well, old.

2018-07-24 23:30:36 UTC  

Well that's always been my problem, matured quicker than everyone else. Meaning i never had friends irl (until i moved to denmark) cause i couldn't relate to anyone

2018-07-24 23:30:48 UTC  

Couldn't have real talks with anyone my own age

2018-07-24 23:31:08 UTC  

almost commited suicide at age 9 because of it

2018-07-24 23:31:26 UTC  

Been suffering from anger issues since then tho

2018-07-24 23:31:35 UTC  

My anger issues never went away

2018-07-24 23:31:50 UTC  

pain was root in webserver for 2 years, i guess he just learnt things as he went along

2018-07-24 23:32:01 UTC  

try understand the root of your anger if you can, idk

2018-07-24 23:33:09 UTC  

Another problem i've always had, is being 100% self aware of everything that goes on with me, so even tho i know what i'm doing is retarded and immature i can't stop myself cause of lack of self-control

2018-07-24 23:33:28 UTC  

Gonna get a shrink after summer tho

2018-07-24 23:33:37 UTC  

you think i dont feel same about my actions? lol

2018-07-24 23:34:15 UTC  

I know some people can't like, understand why they're commiting an action

2018-07-24 23:34:23 UTC  

lol why didnt u just kill urself hippo?

2018-07-24 23:34:32 UTC  

and no u havent surpassed me

2018-07-24 23:34:34 UTC  

bcz u dont know me

2018-07-24 23:34:39 UTC  

I haven't

2018-07-24 23:34:43 UTC  

That's right

2018-07-24 23:34:45 UTC  

and ofc i hang with people smarter than me

2018-07-24 23:34:50 UTC  

why would i hang with retards

2018-07-24 23:34:53 UTC  

im not like u